It's a Boy!!!

It's A Baby Boy! On Saturday night, Valentine's Day, we went to Steak on A Stone for dinner. While having dinner Bob opened the envelope to reveal the sex of the baby! The card had a photo of the ultrasound stating "It's a Boy!" It was evident that it is a little boy! We are so excited! I have thought from the day we found out we were expecting that it was a little boy. Today we bought our first outfit for the baby. This summer we will be traveling to Traverse City for a vacation and we bought him a pair of swim trunks.


micnauman said…
Congrats!!! Addie is so excited to meet her new boyfriend!! She hopes he likes older women! :-)We are planning a roadtrip this summer to see you and meet the little one!

P.S. I've thought all along that it was a boy! :-)
Beth said…
Yeah! We are so excited for you! I do have to tell you that after your posting of the ultrasound pictures I called my mom and said "I know it's a boy". The third pic suspiciously looked like a boy. Sounds like the summer of road trips, as we are going to drive from FL to Ohio mid August. We are planning a B-Day party for Brett on August 16, mark your calendar! Can't wait to meet baby "boy" Boone! We miss you!
Love, Jeremy, Beth & Brett

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