Happy Thanksgiving!

We just got back from Thanksgiving weekend! We traveled down to Bucyrus on Wednesday night and met up with from high school. Then had Hornak Thanksgiving on Thursday. Friday we went shopping around 9am. We decided to head to Toys R Us to try and pick up some baby things. However, the checkout line was wrapped from the front door all around the store to the check out. Bob was not in for waiting in that line-he said time is money! :) Next, we ventured to Old Navy where I got my first pair of maternity pants. What an interesting concept those things are. I got a pair of jeans with the fabric at the top that comes over the belly and a pair of khaki pants for school with the adjustable waistband. Bring on the belly! After we shopped til I dropped-i needed a nap on the way up to Michigan. We spent the evening with Bob's mom, sisters, and their family. We played Wii! Saturday morning we drove up to his Dad's for Thanksgiving dinner. We came back that evening to Bob's mom's house and then drove home this afternoon. We needed a nap. Bob is loving this nap thing-everytime I need a nap he graciously offers to join me for the nap! Too cute. We have our next doctor's appointment tomorrow, so check back to see the latest!


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