
Soccer season has been something we have been looking forward to for a long time.  Their spring season was canceled due to Cov-id. Soccer is Carter's favorite sport and he really takes it very seriously.  Christain Wolf joined their team this year as the goalie and he was a huge asset to the team. Landon was even able to play with Carter's team and his own home team.  My absolute favorite part is when Carter plays a ball on defense that he sails up to Landon on offense and then Landon scores.  It's so fun to watch them play together! The weather throughout the season was warmer than normal but we lucked out with rain sometimes.  The boys love getting muddy!

Carter sailing the ball down the field

Muddy Mess

Nolan has really loved playing soccer this year too.  He has grown quite a bit and is one of the tallest boys on the team.  He enjoys playing offense and often gets too distracted when playing goalie.  He loved being able to play against his friend Nathan Foisy.

Landon even though in height he is one of the shortest he is faster than a cheetah.  He can make a play on that ball so quickly!
Soccer season is one of our favorites! 


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