Carters first band concert

This is Carter's first year in band.  He chose the clarinet as his instrument of choice.  He has been diligently practicing for the Christmas concert for quite some time.  There are have been moments of frustration and excitement as he muddles through figuring out this new concept.
He was so eager to perform however he was quite nervous too.  He shows worry/anxiety differently than others.  He has to talk through all the situations that can occur and you can attempt to give my guidance at how to handle it but there is a high chance he might not accept those suggestions willingly. 

As the students paraded into the gymnasium with their instruments, you could see his smile however his nerves were there too! He played so well and at the end he was overwhelmed with his satisfaction!  Success is sweet!

Handsome boys...Carter and Aiden Haney

All the siblings showing some love for the performers!


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