
Showing posts from April, 2019

Easter in Michigan

Easter in Michigan is a tradition we look forward to each year.  This time Angie was recovering from surgery so we were even more excited to get there to help out.  She is a trooper. She helped to keep the boys busy watching life hack and silly videos.  They smelled the rice krispies being made and were quick to lick the bowl. Early morning Easter egg hunt indoors because the morning temperatures were a bit chilly. We got lucky because by early afternoon the sun was out and warming up. Before lunch the boys helped Bob cut down a tree in Angie's backyard. Uncle Jeremy is enjoying the sunshine in his "hillbilly hammock" Nolan's birthday was so close to the holiday that we took advantage of singing happy birthday to him and eating Oreo ice cream cake. Happy Easter from our crazy family to yours.

Trail life Derby Race and Camping Trip

The big event...The Derby race!  The boys worked so hard at sanding down, painting, weighting down their own pine wood derby car.  The track was graciously donated by a man in southern Ohio and we were so happy to have it ready to use.  It was hooked up digitally so that we could see the results as the cars crossed the finish line. Unfortunately the boys cars didn't win a race but they had such a fun time and cheered each other on!  A few weeks ago, the boys and Bob went along for the first ever Trail Life camp out.  This was the first camping trip that the boys stayed in tents with other trailmen while the adults slept in tents close by. During the day the boys played cards, basketball, and frisbee golf.  The evening concluded with songs and life lessons around the campfire. My favorite story told by Bob when they returned was how he listened to a pack of coyotes attack a raccoon less than 50 feet away from his tent.  I giggled when he told me that

My Yoga Adventure

Last school year was the toughest year I have ever had and could ever imagine when it came to the number of students struggling with emotional regulation.  This caused me to restructure my classroom, my teaching approach, and my self care.  I started mindfulness breathing as part of our daily routine and watching youtube yoga for kids in our classroom.  I watched how my students were impacted by these practices.  I wanted to learn more and help create this as part of routine for more children.  I researched becoming a children's yoga teacher and found a great training program called "Kidding Around Yoga" here in Cleveland.  One weekend in April, I completed a 2-day training and then four online courses to earn my certification.  This curriculum teaches meditation, deep breathing, and yoga poses through age appropriate songs and stories.  I came to my school prinicpal with a "big idea" about offering a yoga club to students after school and she was on board. 

Boys spring break

This year was a year like we haven't had before...the boys and I don't have the same time off for spring break.  This meant that we were unable to take a vacation together.  The boys totally lucked out and spent time in Michigan with family.   Aunt Katie and Angie spoiled the boys rotten. Working hard on their pine wood derby cars. Silly Nolan Board Games are a huge hit with the boys They went to work to visit Uncle Jeremy. The highlight of the week for the boys was the Detroit Zoo.  We haven't been there before so they were amazed by everything it had to offer. Lunch at Sam's Club with Grandma! Earlier in the week, Bob and I took a day off work to hang out together with the boys.  The activity they chose to do was: Chuckie Cheese and a Nature Hike!   It was ticket mania and they were able to cash them in for super fun items!! We ventured over to Rocky River Reservation to hike and see the indoor science center.  There is so