
Showing posts from March, 2019

On a field trip

As the boys get older we have become more aware of how "uncool" we are becoming as parents so when Carter asked us to chaperone his field trip we jumped on the chance.  We got so lucky and were chosen...Bob won rock, paper, scissors with me to attend. I couldn't tell you who was more excited Bob or Carter. Bob text me this during the bus ride and then quickly a text that said this: Note to self, next time I need to take Dramamine before riding in a school bus. They headed to Cleveland Natural History Museum.  Carter was able to choose one friend from his class to be in his group...Gage Smith was the lucky one. It was so great to hear from each one of them separately how the day went and how being together was the highlight of their day.

Spring are you here?

We are outdoorsy kind of people so this cold winter weather is not our favorite at all. This past week there was one day with temperatures in the low 60's and we couldn't wait to get outside!! Happy in the wilderness! Come on spring, we are ready for you!!!


Recently we have begun to notice that Carter is feeling worry and insecurity in social interactions at school with his peers.  This is something new that we haven't seen from him yet.  It's tough hearing him worrying and trying to be mindful of the words you use to coach him through these moments. It first happened when he found out what I was going to wear to the Hawaiian themed mother and son dance at school. He was embarrassed which to me seems like a normal response however the tears started to fall and he said, "Everyone is going to laugh at you and then they will laugh at me." I forgot how important "fitting in" can be especially at his age and being in a new school.  We took a moment together to talk about how being worried about this is okay but we also need to be comfortable with being different.  He has always been the leader and never looked back at moments where I was sure he was going to be the "oddball".  It took some time to tal


Now that the boys are in Amherst Schools, we decided to give the basketball season a try over here.  In the past years we had taken them to Vermilion YMCA to play with their friends but now that they are older many of their peers are playing in traveling teams. This league also gave Bob a chance to coach the boys and their friends.  I love watching Bob coach the boys.  He does it in such a positive way.  He is very patient but still stern enough so the boys understand the expectations of the game. Landon is a quick little scrappy player.  He anticipates the pass and steps in to snatch it up. Carter is really fun to watch on defense as well. He never stops working hard and has been asked to guard one of the best players from the other team on defense every time down the court.  Let’s just say that the other teams do not get any easy shots. 😁 Bob and one of the coaches from another team have been working together to hold practices for their teams all season long. The league o

Mom and son dance

An amazing event: Guy and His Gal dance!  The moments are few and far between that the boys want me to be with them with their friends but I jumped on this chance to share with them.  The theme was Hawaiian and I had a grass skirt, coconut bra, and bikini swimsuit cover-up ready to wear however, the boys refused to come with me if I did.  I made a sacrifice with my attire so they would both feel confident and comfortable.  Before the dance we met The Foisy and Haney families at Sal and Al's for dinner together.  We had a great time with delicious food. Next at the dance there were games of limbo, dancing, and even the locomotion all shared with friends and full of laughter and smiles. Aiden and Carter Landon and Christopher These girls are the greatest gals with boys that can relate all the crazy that comes from being a boy mom! These boys make me proud. Amazing memories made with this great tribe of boys and their proud Mamas! Mahalo!