Parent Fail
There are a few moments in this crazy life that we feel like we are killing' this parenting gig, but more often than not we are uncertain and in survival mode.
A few weeks ago, Carter's class had earned perfect attendance for the week at school and their reward was "board game" day. This school year during my observation I had used all our Jenga games to paint them up to personalize instruction in my Kindergarten class. The boys hadn't played that game in a while so I left them all at school...except one.
When I got home from school that day I asked Carter, "How did game day go at school?"
"It was fun except my teacher made me take out the inappropriate blocks." he said.
Me, "What game did you take? I am so confused."
"Jenga Truth or Dare." Carter said
Instantly I knew we were going to have a lot of explaining to do. This was a game we either received as a gag gift or bought during our college years (over 15 years ago, I might add). It had some pretty "silly" questions and dares that are printed on the blocks.
"Once my teacher made me take out all the inappropriate ones we had a very short stack of blocks for the game." Carter explained
Bob and I looked at each other in complete humiliation as we walked into the front room to laugh hysterically at what had just transpired.
We spent the evening reading the blocks together laughing and wondering how we can explain this to his teacher.
The next morning I emailed Carter's teacher to explain and beg forgiveness. He replied that he appreciated the explanation and that all the teachers had a great laugh over this in the teacher's lounge at lunch.
This was a parent fail that we will never forget!
A few weeks ago, Carter's class had earned perfect attendance for the week at school and their reward was "board game" day. This school year during my observation I had used all our Jenga games to paint them up to personalize instruction in my Kindergarten class. The boys hadn't played that game in a while so I left them all at school...except one.
When I got home from school that day I asked Carter, "How did game day go at school?"
"It was fun except my teacher made me take out the inappropriate blocks." he said.
Me, "What game did you take? I am so confused."
"Jenga Truth or Dare." Carter said
Instantly I knew we were going to have a lot of explaining to do. This was a game we either received as a gag gift or bought during our college years (over 15 years ago, I might add). It had some pretty "silly" questions and dares that are printed on the blocks.
"Once my teacher made me take out all the inappropriate ones we had a very short stack of blocks for the game." Carter explained
Bob and I looked at each other in complete humiliation as we walked into the front room to laugh hysterically at what had just transpired.
We spent the evening reading the blocks together laughing and wondering how we can explain this to his teacher.
The next morning I emailed Carter's teacher to explain and beg forgiveness. He replied that he appreciated the explanation and that all the teachers had a great laugh over this in the teacher's lounge at lunch.
This was a parent fail that we will never forget!