
Showing posts from November, 2018

Thanksgiving 2018

Thanksgiving is such a great time of year.  We were so excited because not only were we headed to spend time with family but Aunt D, Uncle Edd, Addie, Lincoln, and Maylee were coming back to Ohio. Early Wednesday morning we drove down to the Lodge and the fun began...board games, four wheeler rides, nature hikes, and eating...lots of eating! This year we had our first ever turkey trot race at the Lodge, Chad had a great idea that everyone would create a turkey headdress to wear during the race. The kids were so excited to participate and finish the big race.  I think this might be an annual tradition at Thanksgiving. These super cute kids love to spend time together at the lodge. Logan is getting so big! The game "Bean Boozilled" was a huge hit until both Nolan and Landon started puking after eating a jelly bean flavor of spilled milk and canned dog food.       We traveled up to Michigan on Saturday for more food and time with family.  After e

It’s National Take a Hike Day!

If you don't already know it I love to celebrate anything and everything.  My favorite site to reference is the National Day Calendar.  It gives a list of what national day it is for each day.  I look everyday to see what we can celebrate that specific day.  Last Saturday was National Take A Hike day...count us Boone's in for a hike anywhere.  We invited our family friends the Hanney's to come and explore a new nature hike at the Rocky River Reservation. To see this amazing view we had to venture up quite a few stairs to get to the top.  We all made it! These boys are thick as thieves together...I see a future of shinnegans together! As the trail weaved through the woods the boys all had a great time.  Each one of them had their own walking sticks. These three boys were posing so suspiciously...turns out they were hiding a sign that said "Please stay on designated trail"...they didn't want Dana and I to see because we would make them stay on the

A Lokers family trip

Sneaking in a trip to Michigan these days has been hard to come by...months ago we penciled in a trip to visit the Lokers family but plans changed and we had to cancel and reschedule, so this trip was hugely anticipated by all!  We drove up right after school on Friday and made a stop for the night at Grandma Angie's house. Landon taught me how to play chess...he kicked my butt every time. Early the next morning we headed over to Chelsea to visit Lokers.  It doesn't matter how long we have been away from Chelsea it always feels so comforting to head back there even if it's a short visit.      Bob and Bill decided to head out the Michigan/Penn State football game so Laura and I wrangled the kids over to the nature center.  Inside the center they had all types of displays that taught important facts about the animals and creatures found in the area.  Our favorite part was the bird watching room.  The birds were swooping in toward the feeders and we could bird watch.

A quick trip to Toledo

During the fall months life gets quite crazy between fall baseball, fall soccer, school, and Bob's traveling for work and sometimes it feels like it's hard to stay above water.  We had been trying to set a date to meet up with the Hammers and it was tricky to say the least.  One weekend it worked out that Bob was coming home from traveling on Friday morning, we had school then family photos, and then we jumped in the car to squeeze in a night of fun in Toledo with them.  It's always a blast when we get all the kids together! Breakfast in the hotel around the make shift end table Sweet Kirsi Before we all headed home we ventured over to the Imagination Station to play together.  They had some Halloween experiments set up for the kids to participate in.   Bob rode the high wire rope bike Landon and Tyler were working together to get the robot to pick up the dinosaur eggs This was by far the activity they spent most of their time was a live news/spo