
Showing posts from March, 2017

Addie turns 5 and Hayden turns 1

Birthday parties galore...we headed down to Columbus to celebrate with Addie for her 5th birthday.  I  woke up on Saturday with a crazy stomach flu and was quarantine to the nursery of the unborn child all day.  I missed out on the whole party and then Addie started to get a fever so she missed out on her own birthday too. Grandma Grocho got some cuddles from Nolan. Maw Maw brought a microphone for the kids to use and play with!  Wow there was quite a bit of spit in that microphone! The following weekend was Hayden's 1st birthday party in Michigan.  The boys stayed at Aunt Katie's house and she had a scavenger hunt with a silly string fight.   It's always fun with Aunt Katie. The boys were introduced to the game "Bounce Off".  This was a huge hit! Grandma Angie is supervising! This cutie turns one!!! Grandma Julie Ron was on clean up duty!

You just never know what will happen at our house...

There are many times that I share a story about events that happen at our house and I can see by the look in their eyes that they call shinnenigans. The scary thing's the truth! One spring day the boys were playing outside and they were taking turns covering themselves with leaves in the window well.   Climbing in the tree together! Carter is cutting out the "pokeies"with Bob. Outside is where the boys love to be... Nolan is going through an anger phase.  His first reaction to every situation is to yell in his mad voice.  We have been trying to help him understand that there are other ways to get your point across. The other day while I was driving to school he screams from the back seat, "Turn it up!" I said, "How do you ask nicely?" He screams, "Turn it up or I will break all your TV's!"  Nolan recently found the secret hole in his underpants where his penis can poke through.  He giggled so hard

Nolan's Spring Program

Last month Nolan's preschool had a nursery rhyme program at their school.  His class was singing Shorten' Bread.  The boys dressed up like chef's with an apron and hat while they used a spoon and bowl to stir while singing.  Ms. Julie warned us that he would be shaking his booty and singing because that is just how he was for practice.   Of course he had a meltdown about the clothes he had to wear and refused to get out of the car when we got there so we were prepared for the worst.  I dropped him off at his classroom where he began acting a fool so I had to give him a "pep talk" through my gritted teeth. He was all smiles when he found us in the crowd. When it was his turn he stood as stiff as a statue like a deer in the headlights.  There definitely wasn't any booty shaking.  His big brothers were so proud of him! Paw Paw even made the trip up to see him perform!

Sledding finally

This winter has been quite interesting with the weather. We have worn winter coats and shorts in the same week.  The boys have been dying to play in the snow and I have been hoping for a snow day!!  We all got our wish and lucky us...Bob worked from home that day too!  The boys were dressed and outside in the snow at 8am!   After shoveling the driveway, Nolan was painting the snow all different colors! Aunt Katie got Landon this super cool mold of a penguin...he made a whole "army" of penguins in the backyard. We jumped at the chance to meet our friends the Truax's (Alissa, Max, and Mari) at the sledding hill. I love to sled and it is so much fun to do with the boys! Nolan was a dare devil for sure.  He rode down all by himself and many times backwards!!  He was a trooper as he drug his sled up the hill each time. This was Max's first time sledding.  The first time he went down he ran right into a little girl at the b

Boone Christmas in January

The hustle and bustle of the holiday always make it tough to get everyone together so we decided to have the Boone side of the family Christmas in January.  It worked out so well because they all made the journey down and we had a blast. Cuddles with Baby Hayden! Lots of hoops!!! We went up town to the bowling alley in Amherst and spent time bowling together!  The kids loved it!! Aunt Julie got the boys lots of Pokemon creatures and Poke' balls and they were in heaven.   Carter teaching Aunt Katie all about each one of the 137 pokemon creatures he got.  We had a great time together!!

Weekend fun

As you know we are weekend warriors...we love to cram as much fun as we can into the weekend!  A few weeks ago we had Pokemon Club at the library. Then double basketball games at the YMCA for both Carter and Landon. Next we took advantage of the beautiful weather and went on a nature hike. We explore a few new places we hadn't been before.  We stopped at "Old Woman's Creek" a metropark with hiking trails that is home to tons of beautiful bald eagles. A typical family photo of the Boone's...craziness! We ended the day checking out Sheldon Marsh by Sawmill Creek Resort.  We fed squirrels right out of our hands and even walked the beach. On our way to the car we spotted a bald eagle in a tree so close.  How amazing!