
Showing posts from May, 2016

A day with Thomas

We were headed up to Michigan to see Robyn, who came into town from Seattle so we tried to pack in as much fun as we could while we were there. The Lokers invited us to join them at Greenfield Village for a Day out with Thomas.  We had taken Carter and Landon to see Thomas in Cleveland at the Cuyahoga Railroad years ago but had yet to take Nolan. Laura hooked it up with a huge discount and we met them there.  We had never been to Greenfield Village so we were excited to check it out.   At the horse stable, Abby was so interested in watching the animals while Carter was eager to point out the flies on the horse poop piles.  Yep, there is another time you can tell the differences in gender. There was a train roundhouse where they kids could check out parts of the train up close.  The boys loved turning the wheel and watching the machine pump.  If you look closely in Nolan's arm he has Kody clutched tight.  Bob and I were on constant Kody watch to make sure that w

Pick your battles

Setting obtainable goals is an idea the we work hard to do here at the Boone house.  This school year we have been creating charts to help the boys see the progress they are making toward their goals.  Carter's goal was to earn 50 accelerated reader points in first grade. Accelerated Reader is a program that gives comprehension questions on books read by the student.  Landon's goal was to read 30 books. With each goal they met there was a reward of their choice.  We made them choose not an item for the reward but an activity such as laser tag, bowling, putt putt, etc.  Now that the school year is almost over and the boys have knocked out their current goals we increased the goal.  Carter decided that he needed to read 150 AR points by the end of the year and Landon had to read 60 books before the end of the year.  For this reward the boys wanted to choice "something" instead of an activity.  After thinking it through we decided that was fine until they told us what t

Happy 3rd birthday Nolan!

Last weekend we celebrated Nolan's 3rd birthday.  Right now he is so interested and obsessed with garbage trucks so we decided to capitalize on it. I ordered this cute shirt from etsy and the moment it arrived in the mail he insisted on wearing it.  Needless to say, I have definitely gotten my money's worth out of it. Look at how proud he is wearing this shirt!  This garbage truck was given to us by the McClelland family and it has been attached to Nolan.  It has been to the beach, he eats breakfast muffins out of the back, and now even in the bathtub. When Carter woke up on Nolan's birthday, he asked to make him a poster.  He was very pleased with his creation.  Nolan loved it and pretended to pop the balloons. Maw Maw, Paw Paw, and the Vilts got him this cool water squirter with the water tank as a backpack. He loved it and to tell you the truth he looked like a little "ghost buster".  Here he is spraying his number on the sidewalk.

My boys

Here are a few moments I can't help but share... After school on day, I was cutting up strawberries and the boys wanted to help.  I was pulling everything and anything out of the refrigerator to have them chop up.  They were so entertained for a while.  It was funny to stand back, watch, and listen to them talk like chef's. Bob was out of town so that means if I want to actually sleep at night all three boys sleep with me. I got everyone ready for bed then took Nolan in his room to rock him to sleep and when I came back to my bedroom this is what I saw.  Landon wearing my eye mask in deep beauty sleep. They are so sweet when they are sleeping.  Where am I going to sleep? Recently we wanted to do some outdoor changes to the house so we took the shutters down, repainted them gray, and took the front door off, and repainted it yellow.  The boys love to help and we try to give them every opportunity we can to make them feel like they are contributin