
Showing posts from September, 2014

Color Us Happy!

I have been wanting to do a Color Run 5k for awhile but wanted to try and do it with the whole family.  It was just our luck that they brought the Color Run to Cedar Point this year.  We signed up and anxiously counted down the days to the big event.  I got plain white t-shirts so they could get splashed with color.  When we arrived at Cedar Point, the boys were more than excited. The before family photo Carter and Landon ran as fast as they could from the start until we entered the amusement park.  Once inside they were in awe of all of the rides.  They were talking about which ones they wanted to ride when they get older.  As we progressed through the park we entered the first color "arch".  In each one of the arches, we would be splashed with colored corn starch as we ran through.  This was so much fun!  The boys had a great time.  About half way through Nolan wanted out of the stroller so he could run through them also.  He was so excited to be able to do what the b

Sunday funday

Today was a day with no planned activity which can be a good thing or a bad thing at our house. I had been wanting so much to wash Landon's beloved penguin for a while so this was great timing. He grabbed a cleaning toothbrush and some oxi clean and scrubbed him up. Next, Bob asked the boys to help him wash his car. They were over the moon about using soapy sponges and the hose.  After they finished the car that lead to a bike wash. The boys soaped up their bikes and rode them through the sprinkler. We ended the evening with a trip to an apple orchard.  We went to Quarry Hill Orchard for the first time.  The boys were so excited to take Nolan for the first time out to pick apples.  Carter reminded Landon and taught Nolan only to pick the apples that were red and ripe.  While we were walking back to the orchard, Bob put Nolan down and when I looked over I noticed Nolan was eating a peach.  I was a little confused because we were in an

Island life

Last weekend Aunt D, Addie, Lincoln, and Maw Maw came to visit.  We hadn't seen each other since late July so we were so excited to get together!  We played outside, swam in the neighbor's pool, and ate popsicles until late into the evening.  The next morning we decided to head over to Kelly's Island.  Uncle Edd and Paw Paw met us at the ferry dock and we drove over on the ferry. Lincoln and Nolan watched with great excitement as the sea gulls flew by and swooped down to grab fish. Maw Maw and the boys Love this picture! We visited the Glacial Grooves. Carter and Addie as we wait for the ferry We played at the beach, ate pizza at the Caddy Shack where uncle Edd used to work, ran the bases at the baseball field, played putt putt, and finished the day with ice cream.  A great day at the island!

As we endure the next step...

It's finally here…Carter heads to Kindergarten.  This is a moment I have been looking forward to from afar because it just never seemed like it would happen because you can't imagine it happening.  All summer long we planned and prepared for it…buying supplies, reminding him about how to make/keep friends, being respectful to adults, etc. As he walked into the school building where I teach, it just seemed too surreal.  Many friends/colleagues said to me, "It seems like just yesterday when you had him." "He can't be that old yet?".  As they remind me that life goes by fast, I reflect on the moments I never want to forget.  I ran home and busted out the photo books of our lives and Bob and I share memories we still hold onto.  Life goes by too fast…but thank goodness we have made the best out of every moment we can. Bob's work schedule has been super crazy with contract negotiations that are taking longer than anyone thought they would but fortunatel