
Showing posts from January, 2014

Our little Gymnasts

Since we moved back to Ohio we enrolled the boys in a class at a place called The Little Gym.  It is a place where they can go and run off some energy while learning how to do some basic gymnastic moves.  We all enjoy this time however the boys have struggled with following directions during this time.  There have been quite a few times that I have seen them in time out and I have walked into interrupt the class to grab a defiant child out for a cool down.  The boys are like little bear cubs.  They love to wrestle, run, jump, and tackle each other.  All in all it is a great thing for the boys but we have decided to give them a break while they try basketball.  Since it was the end of the session their was a performance of everything they had learned at the last session.  Lucky for us, no one else showed up so the boys had the whole time to show Bob and I everything they could do!! They start with a quick bow and a game of instructions given by song. Next we headed over to the

Big Ballers

Basketball season has officially started for the Boone Boys!  Last Saturday we headed to the YMCA in Avon for basketball practice and a game for both Carter and Landon.  I was not sure how this was all going to go but I am always up for trying something new.  Carter reassured me that he already knew how to dribble and shoot he just really needed to know how to aim.  Before we left the house I got the boys dressed in short sleeves and comfy pants so they could run around comfortably.  When we arrived at the gym I was surprised by how many kids were decked out in real basketball attire…jerseys, baggie shorts, basketball high top shoes, wristbands, and headbands.  Our kids did look a little out of place but thank goodness they got their reversible jersey because Carter was so excited to wear his.  Bob and I watched as the teams gathered on the courts and began to "practice."  Practice consisted of shooting the ball, dribbling, and passing the ball to other teammates.  On the boy

7 months

This little man is growing up right in front of our eyes.  I find myself trying to hold onto every moment with him realizing he might be the last one!  Wow, is he a lot of fun.  Now that he is a crawling maniac he is all over the place.  It has been wonderful to watch the boys interact with him.  His favorite thing to do is to be pulled around on the hard wood floor by the boys on a blanket.  He giggles from his belly with such a huge smile!  


Christmas seems like such a long time ago but it was a blast.  The boys were finally old enough to understand the holiday so we went a little overboard this year with all the festivities. The boys opened up a present early…Their minion costumes and the Despicable Me 2 movie.  You can tell by their faces that they were so excited. Every Christmas Eve, we celebrated at my grandparents house.  My grandparents have a very small house and our families all seem to be growing so it can be a little tight. I have to admit I look forward to it every year because of the joy it brings to my Grandparents to have everyone they love under one roof.  I love this picture where Grandpa Grocho is holding Carter as he "shows" him how to play his new game for the InnoTab.  We are so lucky and blessed to have them around our children!  It truly melts my heart to watch them love up on our kids! Christmas fun continued as we drove home on Christmas Eve to our house.  Waiting for us there w

8 months

ON THE MOVE, SUPER FAST!!!  Nolan is so stinking fast these days.  He climbs the stairs like a pro and chases after his brothers as quickly as he can. He has a smile that just won't quit. Love to watch his learn new things and play with toys all the boys have used! Tunnel of Nolan He is so happy!  He is working on two new top teeth to go along with those bottom two chicklets.  He has been in a lot of pain and the nights have been pretty rough. He now comes at you for a kiss, but bites instead…oh yeah, he is the cutest vampire you have ever seen! He has found his voice and loves using it to be heard.  He squeals in hopes of being apart of the conversation and getting some much needed attention.  When he wakes up in the morning, his first job is look around for his big brothers.  Once he finds them he is all smiles.