Updates: Bob's foot and Prego Belly

It's time to update all the readers on the status of Bob's foot and the current pregnancy.  Bob is wearing a "recovery boot" with heel lifts inside.  At every dr. appointment they check the wound and take out one of the lifts.  He has also been doing physical therapy here in Chelsea twice a week to help regain strength and movement.  So I have to throw him under the bus a little because he has decided not to wear the "recovery boot" unless he is at physical therapy, work, or dr. appointment. Yep, I am shaking my head too.  The physical therapist said that he would be out of the boot within the next two weeks but he has not been using it for quite some time now. I just said if he re-injures it will not be as understanding as I was the first time.  He is doing well and able to keep up with the boys with just a slight limp.
A picture of the incision.  It is healing pretty well.

I am currently 26 weeks (6 and a half months) pregnant.  Friday was my most recent appointment.  We discussed further my desire to try a VBAC (vaginal birth after cesarean).  Dr. Bell at the U of M is amazing.  When she talks it is as if you are getting a massage...such a relaxing experience.  She entered all of this data and stated that I have a 59-73% chance of going into labor naturally.  These were percentages that she felt were worth trying for.  She did tell me that if I choose to wait that she will only wait until week 41 and then instead of trying to induce she would rather just schedule a c-section.  That sounded like a great plan for me. So if my body decides not to go into labor I will have a c-section April 25th.  
Questions arise from this plan: Am I being selfish because I yearn for the experience of labor just so I can say "I did it!"? Is it right to try to risk the health of myself and the new baby just for what to me feels like a gold star of motherhood? I am not sure about this and Bob is very supportive but after seeing that I have to sign a waiver and consent form for trial of labor he is a little concerned.  I understand his concern and don't feel that it is worth risking the health of the baby or me just for the experience but there is still a part of me that feels I am a wimp if I just don't try.  Who knows, I could change my mind, we will see.
Carter took this picture of me!  Living large!


ML said…
Had 2 VBACs. Loved that I could!Hope it goes well.

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