
Showing posts from October, 2012

Halloween 2012

So one of the great things I love about having kids is that holiday celebrations extend longer than just that specific day.  There are always events before to get you excited about the upcoming holiday and then tons to do on "the day".  Here are all the Halloween festivities that we have done this year. Before I begin, let me tell you a little about the costumes for the boys.  I found this cute dinosaur costume at a garage sale over the summer for $2 that I never thought would fit either boy at Halloween time but we snatched it up with hopes they would at least dress up in it.  It fit Landon like a glove, so he unfortunately didn't have much of a say as to what he was going to be for Halloween   Carter wanted to be a squirrel.  He is a little obsessed with squirrels right now.  I am not sure if it is because they are running around gathering nuts outside like crazy while he watches.  He just loves them.  So I started looking online for a squirrel costume and it was goin

Making Memories as we go!

I feel like life passes by so fast that I often forget how to slow down and enjoy each moment.  This week was no exception.  On Friday morning I had a doctor appointment then we came home to immediately load up and head to a Halloween cookie decorating play date.  My friend Laura, so graciously hosted this playdate. It was complete with 5 adults and 9 children...yep you heard that right!  It was a great time!  The kids rolled out dough, cut out shapes, decorated and tasted cookies! Rolling dough! Landon tasted lots of homemade frosting! The official taste testers Later that evening we packed up the kids and the car and drove to Cleveland to visit and catch up with friends.  Saturday morning we had breakfast with Rader's and Derek taught the boys how to play Wii! It was too cute watching the boys jump around with Elmo. Landon, Mason, and Carter Saturday evening we met baby Lillian, Matt and Katie's little girl.  The boys were instantly loving on her.

Bob's Birthday

Last Sunday, October 7th, Bob turned 32!  Oh, yeah...he is getting old!  So glad he has decided to do it before me because I am not ready to get old!  I had planned on Katie, Bob's sister, to come and watch the boys while we went out for lunch.  A few days before she calls and presents the idea of going to the Tigers Baseball game for his birthday instead.  I instantly was hesitant because that meant more $, more time away from the boys, colder temperatures, etc.  However, despite my thoughts I told Bob it was his birthday and the decision was his.  So...we were going to the game.  We bundled up in our long underwear, layers, hats, gloves, and hand warmers and set out for the game.  When we arrived the sun was out shining and we stripped off several layers which was great!  Later in the game the sun went behind the clouds which froze me out and forced me to get a hot cocoa. After all my complaints I have to admit we had a great time.  It is crazy how wrapped up you get in the routi

Pumpkin Picking

I recently glanced at the calendar and thought..."Holy is October and we haven't been to one pumpkin patch!"  That is pretty crazy for this family for sure.  Usually by this time the boys are stuffed full of cinnamon doughnuts, cider, and are pumpkin picking experts.  We have been stinkin busy every weekend with not much free time to spare.  Last weekend we had a super jam packed Saturday but why not throw in a quick run to the best pumpkin patch in town...Three Cedars Farm.  I looked back at pictures from last year and everyone was wearing shorts, t-shirts, sandals, and sun glasses.  This year we bundled up in long pants, long sleeves, hats, winter coats, and I debated bringing hand warmers.  Due to the crazy weather we had during the spring a lot of local pumpkin patches didn't make it so we were super pumped to find the u-pick pumpkin patch just bursting with pumpkins.  We rode the hay ride back to the patch where the boys began to search for their &q