Summer Vacation Part One

This past week we set off for our annual family vacation.  This year we rented a house on Lake Michigan in the Silver Lake Area.  My parents, sister, Edd, and baby Adelynn arrived on Saturday afternoon and spent the night so we could get a head start on the vacation.  I can't tell you who was looking forward to this get away more...the kids or Bob and I.  We loaded up the van, yep that's right I said van, more to come on that in a later post, and took off up north.  We had to stop several times for Carter to go potty but we eventually made it to our "bacation home" as Carter called it all week.  It was a cute little house with 4 bedrooms, 2 bath, kitchen, living area, dining room, and sun porch.  We quickly unloaded and walked down the steps to the beach.  There were 8 cement stairs that led to 28 steep wooden stairs to the beach that I was so worried the boys would fall down but thankfully never did.  The Silver Lake Lighthouse was just down the road so we jumped in the car to go and visit before it closed.  We decided to take a tour and climb the 130 steps to the top.  Landon wasn't tall enough so he stayed behind with Paw Paw, Aunt D, and baby Adelynn.  I don't know what I was thinking because I started climbing those steps and I got freaked out.  I didn't want Carter to see that I was scared but holy was stinkin high up there with tiny little steps.  When we reached the top I had a death grip to the railing and was taking baby steps around the top.  I was a hot mess.  Bob and Carter were loving it.  My mom was laughing her butt off at me and my brother in law was politely annoyed.  If the climb up wasn't scary the trip down was straight terrifying.  Carter was also scared and afraid he would fall.  I was too and could tell by the look on everyone's face that past me they thought I was crazy. 
Landon waits with Paw Paw while we climb the lighthouse

Bob and Carter loving the view from the top

That is me with the grip of a gorilla on the railing. If you look closely you can see the whites of my knuckles.

Love this picture!

Once we safely made it to the bottom of the lighthouse we walked the beach.  I could walk on the beach for days!  I love the sand between my toes.  The boys loved it too!  This week was full of sand in nooks and crannies! 

Beach beauties...with the wind blown look!

Carter has the lighthouse in his hand!

The next day the weather was beautiful!  We spent most the day on the beach at our house.  We borrowed a 3 person jet ski from Bob's nephew for the week.  This was a huge hit.  Carter loved riding on  it with Bob.  They even pulled me in a tube behind it.  Landon finally got on and we rode it together as a family.  
The Vilt's...Danielle, Adelynn, and Edd.  

Landon munching on cheese quesadillas 

Cuddling with Adelynn
Each morning we would walk the beach with the boys.  They loved being able to wear their pj's on the beach.  Of course once we got the the water they wanted to be in the water.  I decided to strip them down and just let them be free.  It was priceless.  Carter instantly peed into the lake and Landon pushed as hard as he could until he too peed in the lake.  

This moment is priceless!



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