
Showing posts from August, 2011

What a weekend!

Landon loves his Fritz!  Landon is munching cheeze-its with Laura Fun times! Bob and Carter by the lake Landon is so proud of himself on top of the crab! Swimming like a fish! Too cute! Darren paints Carter's face so they can be "cool guys". All the kids that Becky watches (minus the tiger on the left...just a stranger who wanted to join our photo) I love My Becky! On Friday we had visitors from Ohio.  Matt, Katie, Fritz, and Laura all came up to the house to stay.  We were all so excited from them to come.  We took a trip to Ikea and just spent time hanging out together.  We had a great time.  The boys just love them all! On Sunday we headed to Maumee Bay State Park to stay a night with our friends The Truax family.  The Lodge has an indoor/outdoor pool, playground, hiking trails, a beach, and a playroom for kids.  We had a blast but wished we had more time to spend there with them.  Our waitress at dinner was quite a trip.  When we asked her what she reccommen

End of July Early August Activities

Our kids with my college roommates children...quite the clan! Finger painting on a rainy day  Landon turns 1!  The crew at the zoo! Bob's niece Tesa driving the gator up north! We Boone's like to stay busy.  At the end of July we got the chance to head back to Cleveland for a bit because Bob had training for work there.  We stayed with close friends and spent as much time as we could getting together with friends that we miss so much!  We had a pool party for the kids to get together with children from the sitters.  We had dinner dates with several families also.  It was a great time and we are looking forward to heading back very soon.  The following weekend we headed to Defiance area--our college town, for a baby shower of a fellow volleyball teammate.  My friend from Charlotte came home and it was great getting together also.  We stayed with my roommate from college and got a chance to see them and their 3 kids.  It is so crazy how life has changed for all of

The Last Pay!

Well, so it begins.  Today I received the email to tell me that on Friday my last paycheck will be deposited.  Wow! The reality of that is setting in and I am panicking.  Being a stay at home mom for a year sounds like a great opportunity with the boys being so little but I don't think that I am wired that way.  I know that they need interaction with other children and I need interaction with other adults for my sanity.  I have began to search many online job listings to find a job.  The big question is if I find a job then I have to find daycare and will that be worth it?  Nobody can replace my sitter I have had for the last two years--she loves my kids as if they were her own.  On craigslist I have submitted my resume to several infant/toddler teacher positions with hopes of teaching and taking my kids with me.  I have yet to hear from any listings and I am unsure if it is due to my teaching license being in Ohio.  I hesitate to get my license in MI because the amount of money ou

Family Photos

I had mentioned in a previous post that we had our family photos taken by Danielle and Edd's wedding photographer. The image CD arrived in the mail and I am obsessed with so many of them!  Here are a few of my favorites!