The Boone Boys Update

Here are some recent funny stories:
  • On our most recent trip to Target, Carter found a foam sword in the dollar bins. I thought that it would be okay if let him have this cute sword. Then I began shopping and Carter yells out "Daaaa" while he points the sword at everyone we pass in store. At first I was so unsure if he was saying--"die" but the more that he said it the more I was sure he was. Oh, yes he was saying "Die" and pointing the sword at everyone. Mortifying mommy moment.
  • Carter has recently started to say real words. Recently he has refused to eat dinner because he will open the pantry door and say "Mommy, cookie" I am not sure why he thinks he can eat cookies for dinner.
  • Carter has started to love to dance. His favorite group is The Black Eyed Peas. We have a crazy dance party every evening to try and work off some energy.
  • Coat drama-Carter has a meltdown every time he has to put on his winter coat. We should have known this was going to happen because both of our boys are sweat boxes. They definitely get that from their father. I have since then downsized to a zipper hoodie for Carter J and it seems to not cause him to make a scene.
We took the boys over the Christmas break to the Children's Museum in Cleveland. Carter loved it. His favorite thing was to pick apples off a tree and put them in a basket. It was such a cool place.
Landon is officially six months old. He is sitting up on his own and scooting backwards when he is on his belly. He loves to watch Carter and giggle at all the things he does. I think we might soon see a tooth pop through because he is a drooling maniac.
We have started giving double baths each night for our bedtime routine. It is too funny because they have splash wars in there together.
We borrowed a walker from friends of ours for Landon and he loves it. Carter loves it too! He pushes Landon all through the kitchen and living room while the wind blows through Landon's hair. There have been several cases of whiplash given by Carter--yowzah!
Each day I am amazed by how much Carter knows and understands. Yesterday I asked him to get Landon's paci for me and he walked over grabbed it and put it in Landon's mouth. Too scary! The catch is I have also noticed that he has selective when he is using his crayons on the hard wood floor.


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