
The snow has come to North Ridgeville! Yesterday Bob took Carter outside to play in the snow for the first time. We bundled him up and they headed outside. It was so funny to watch Carter walk around in his boots! He was so confused and he was walking like he was on stilts. When they came inside we enjoyed luke warm hot chocolate. I showed Carter how to add marshmallows to the liquid and then he didn't want to stop and the drink was more marshmallows than liquid.
Landon's hair is crazy. It was long in the front and back but very thin on the top back part because of rubbing his head while laying down. Bob gave him a haircut and it looks great! He looks like he is ready to enlist in the army with his buzzcut.
Carter's new favorite thing to do is to color. He begs to color almost every minute while we are home. The catch is that he doesn't want to color by himself; he wants you to color with him. For Christmas Santa had brought him many different things he can color on and with, including bath crayons! How fun!
Last weekend we took the boys to see Santa and it went very well. Carter was scared but not enough to cry just to be frozen. He sat on his lap with the stiffest arms I have ever seen. We tried to push them down but he brought them right back up. Landon had his eye on Bob and I the whole time because he did not want to be left alone with this crazy bearded man.
We have had our Christmas tree since the day after Thanksgiving and Carter and Landon have been loving it. The tree looks funny because all the ornaments are toward the top and only the soft ones are toward the bottom. I have been wrapping Christmas gifts and Carter has been unwrapping them so we don't have any under the tree yet. We are so excited to have Christmas this year to start our own family traditions. On Christmas Eve the boys will open one present which will be new pajamas that they get to wear that night! We also sleep under the Christmas tree and read the Christmas story. I can't wait to start these traditions with the boys and make unforgettable memories.


margiem3cf said…
You are going to have so much fun with the boys....Let the FUN begin...

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