Brother Love!
Landon-10 weeks
Carter-16 months
The ever growing Boone family
So the last post stated how Bob was leaving for LA and I would be with the boys by myself well...my how that changed. About 3 days before Bob left, I found out that my maternity leave sub got a full time position and they were going to hire another sub to finish out my leave. This did not sound like a good idea to me for 2 reasons. One the kids would have 3 different teachers within one year and 2 the parents would not appreciate that at all. So I decided to head back to school about a month sooner than I had planned. This really wasn't as bad as I thought. I had a helper each night that week to help me get the boys around for night time and getting out the door in the morning. (Thanks so much to all of them!) I really missed Bob that week! You forget how well teamwork works when half your team is missing. Going back to school I think was the best thing for all of us because now we have a routine. The boys are doing very well with it and we have adapted also. It's all about planning ahead. My advice to myself is "if you can do it tonight, just do it because you NEVER know what the night or morning holds!" Being back at school feels right. I forget how you are always go, go, go with the kids and this year being in second grade for the first time is different too! I am learning the curriculum and the schedule all at the same time. There really isn't enough time or energy in the day! This past weekend we had a surprise cookout/party for Bob's 30th! The official birthday is Thursday the 7th! He was a little bitter about it being a surprise at the beginning but he soon got over it. Saturday morning however we finally got photos taken with both boys. How fun that was! Last week we had both boys doctor appointments-just well check ups. Carter is 16 months and weighs 23 lbs and Landon 10 weeks weighs 13 lbs. Carter is in the 75th percentile for height but only 25th for weight--I can barely keep 12 month pants on him. He can still fit into the 6-9 month pants around the waist but they are short on the legs. Landon is now wearing 3month clothes and quickly growing out of those. He was in the 50th percentile for both height and weight. I am still breastfeeding and pumping now more than ever at school. I have a clogged duct that feels like I have a marble under my skin. I am working on getting it unclogged but have been unsuccessful. I have massaged, put a warm compress, warm shower, hand pumped, and now motor pumped but still hard as a rock. A fellow mother who breastfed told me to point Landon's nose toward the duct when nursing and that will help to fix it. I have been doing that this evening and hope that it help it out. Bob and I have been falling asleep so easily because of pure exhaustion but from what I hear from other parents is that this doesn't change until they head off to college.