Operation: Sleeping in the Crib!

Last night was the first night we tried out Carter sleeping in his crib. I laid him down at 10:30pm and he slept until 1:30am. He rustled around and I rocked him for about 10 minutes and put him back into the crib. He then woke up at 4am crying because he was hungry. I fed him and he slept until 6:30am right before Bob left. That was great because Bob got to hug on him before he left. He ate and then went back to sleep for 2 hrs. I don't want to talk about it too much because I might jinx it. Wish me luck tonight!


Anonymous said…
that is AWESOME! go carter go! woooo!
Danielle Vilt said…
He is so stinkin cute! I can not wait to see him this weekend!

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