
Showing posts from August, 2009

11 weeks!

The start of this week has been different. On Monday I went to our half day teacher work day. So I had to get up and get myself and Carter ready for the day. I dropped him off at daycare and he was asleep. This made that whole experience a lot easier. When I picked him up at noon she said that he cried when she changed his diaper. This is unusual so of course I was concerned. Then Tuesday we had a full teacher work day and Open House so Bob was going to pick him up from daycare. Tuesday was rough because he cried the whole way to the sitters and when I pulled in her driveway he stopped. I had such a headache going into work because of him crying and just starting to stress out about school. When I got home after school Bob said the sitter said he slept a lot during the day and didn't cry when she changed his diaper. I was so excited to see him when I got home. It was almost as if he had changed since I had dropped him off that morning. On Wednesday we went to the doctor for his 2

The Second week of vacation-10 weeks old!

The second week of vacation we spent on Silver Lake with my family (mom, dad, Danielle, and Edd). We rented a house on the lake with a pontoon, rowboat, canoe, paddle boat, and swim raft. We had a great time. We went to Sleeping Bear Sand Dunes and Bob wore Carter in the papoose to the top. Carter was loving it and Bob was a sweating maniac. We went to Sutton's Bay which is a little cute town where we walked around little shops and then on the journey home we stopped at about 6 wineries. We even stopped at Madonna's father's winery. I was bummed because they were all trying fun wines and I was just along for the ride. The scenery was beautiful and it was neat to see how different each place was. On Tuesday we had a girls' day at the spa. Mom, Danielle, and I went and had our nails and feet did! That was so fun. The next day Bob, Edd, Danielle, and I rented a boat on the lake and went tubing. This time we were crazy and were throwing each other off the tube

First Week of Vacation!

Hello! We have been gone for 2 full weeks on vacation in Michigan so I will use this first post to tell you about our first week. The first week we traveled around visiting family that had yet to see Carter in person. We arrived in Milan on Monday and spent the day with Angie and met family at Damon's for dinner. On Tuesday we went over to Bob's sister Julie's and shared Carter with her family. The girls were lovin ' on him so much! Tuesday night we drove up to visit friends in Harrison Township. Ricky and Stacey Soltis were so excited to meet him! We went out for dinner at an Italian restaurant . We were the only ones in the back of the place which was great because Carter was a fuss buster and Elle needed room to walk around. Wednesday afternoon we drove up to Gladwin , MI to see Arlin and Barb. They were also so excited to see him for the first time. He was a perfect fit in Arlin's arms. Carter went swimming for the first time in a pool up north. H

8 weeks old (2 Months)

It is so hard to believe that he is 8 weeks old! The time has flown by. It is so fun to watch him exploring new things with his eyes and hands. Just a couple of days ago it seems that he has found his hands and wants to suck on them. I mean he will shove his whole fist in his mouth and suck hard core. This then leads to puddles of drool everywhere but he seems to really enjoy it. He is more alert for longer periods of time during the day. He usually naps for 20-30 minutes 2 times during the day. The rest of the time he is wide awake making noises. He doesn't like to sit still. He would rather be up looking around than sitting. We have been taking him on walks in the evening when the sun isn't out so that he can see what is going on instead of being shielded by the canopy of his carrier. He loves to stare up at what's going on and who is talking. We are still aving some troubles with sleeping at night. He still hates the pack n play and crib. The last 2 nights he has slept f