
Showing posts from July, 2009

7 weeks old

Today Carter is officially 7 weeks old. He is such a good baby! We are so lucky. He only fusses when he is hungry, wet, or hot. The past 2 weeks we have started a bedtime routine suggested by our doctor. After his 9-10pm feeding Bob burps him, rocks him, and reads him a bedtime story. Then he puts him down and roughs it for the first shift until the next feeding and then we tag team and I step in. This has really been working! I love that he has "daddy time" with him. It is so cute to watch him read to him. Last week Carter wore his last newborn size diaper-that is what the above picture is. I can't believe that he is already in Stage 1. We have been working on "tummy time" to build the muscles in his neck. He is really into laying on his activity mat because it has a musical thing that has blinking lights. My mom gave him a silky-a little blankie that has a silky side and a fleece side. He loves to cuddle with it.

Dr.Appointment Update

Yesterday was Carter's doctor's appointment. I waited until the last minute to get him ready to go. I grabbed a washcloth to give him a quick scrub down before I got him dressed. I took his diaper off and while I was washing him he peed all over my outfit and his body. So I then picked him up to give him a bath and he farted and pooed on my arm. Next, at the end of his full out bath I was getting him out and he threw up all over himself. Finally I gave him another bath and got him dressed and we were out the door. Another crazy start to a day. the doctor Carter now weighs 11lbs 2oz and is 23 1/4in. She said that was a healthy weight gain and that he was very healthy. He was in the 68th percentile for weight, 88th percentile for height, and 48th for head circumference. At his next appointment he will be getting his first set of shots. Bob is definitely coming with me for that because I don't like to see him hurt. The picture above shows the faux hawk that Bob ga

Over a Month Old

I know it has been a while since the last post...He is getting so big! He is a growing maniac. We have a doctor's appointment on Monday. I am anxious to see how much he has grown officially. He is still working on holding his head up. He now blows spit bubbles and makes lots of noises. Carter has grown out of his newborn clothes and we are onto 0-3 monthers . However they are long enough but too wide for his body-oh well. He still has blue eyes--yeah. We have ad 2 good nights of sleep with only 2 feedings throughout the night! He is my traveling man--I love to take him everywhere. However as soon as I put him in the car seat he either fills his diaper or spits up all over his clothes. No joke one day I went through this process 3 times before we left. I have decided that I will not be returning to school until October 1st. This will give me a little more time with the little guy. We had his pictures taken on the 8 th and boy did he cry. We did get some good ones though--thank good

Happy 4th of July!

Carter's first fourth of July was a blast! We spent the evening at Fowler's for a cookout/bonfire. He loved being in the fresh air and hanging out around the bonfire. He slept through the whole fireworks display! Check out the picture of him in his red, white, and blue outfit. He is really working hard on holding his head up. The video shows him having tummy time with Bob. He is getting so strong that he wants to check everything out! Then the other picture happened when Bob was burping him. He was on Bob's shoulder and he held his head up and spit up then put his head right back into his spit up. It was all over so we had to take a picture of it. He is getting bigger. I had Bob stand on our bathroom scale and then hold Carter to see how much he weighs. If the scale is accurate, which Bob says it's not but it might be close, he was 10 lbs 2 oz. We hope that you all had a great holiday weekend!

Carter loves his visitors

So Carter has been getting the chance to meet a lot of new people the last couple weeks. He specifically asked me to post pictures of all of his young friends that have stopped by to meet him. Notice they are all girls! Older girls to be exact. :) We have had Evelyn (Donnie and Lisa Goerlitz's 4 year old daughter), Lexi (Melissa Pritchard's 5 year old), and Lyla (Brian and Kristen Rosenstock's 6 month old) all stop by to meet him. Jaidyn Harris is stopping by tonight as well. Carter hasn't really perfected his game as of yet. Good thing about that is all he has to do is look in their direction and they smile. Yes, he is a ladies man. His sleeping patterns were getting a little better, but last night was another rough night. Let's hope tonight is a bit better.