
Showing posts from April, 2009

Latest Doctor's Appointment

On Monday we had our first doctor's appointment with our new doctor. We love her! More than we did our previous doctor. She is extremely laid back, helpful, and most importantly is an athlete, which means that she is fine with me exercising. I was nervous because I had quite a list of questions to ask her but she put me at ease and everything went very well. I had forgotten to mention about a little drama I had last week at school. A parent of one of my students called to let me know that their daughter had the 5 th disease. This is a virus that affects mostly children and the symptoms are fevers, aching bones, and exhaustion. The weird thing is that you don't realize you have it until you break out in a red rash on your cheeks and by this time you are not contagious anymore. The nurse at the school suggested I call my doctor just to let them know. When I did they told me to come into have blood drawn. So I did--I am terrible with having my blood drawn. In years pas

5 weeks left!

Only 5 more weeks until the due date arrives! I can't wait to meet this little guy! My ankles are now swelling and by the end of the day my toes look like little Vienna sausages. I feel huge but physically feel great! Bob and I enjoyed the beautiful weekend here in Ohio--it was 81 degrees Friday, Saturday, and Sunday! We began "nesting"! On Friday we mowed the lawn. On Saturday Bob power washed the deck and house. I cleaned the carpets. We went to Babies r' Us because our glider/recliner arrived. We were so excited because it wasn't to come until after the baby came but it is here. On Sunday we sealed the deck and the swing in the yard. (if you are wondering, I wore a mask and gloves during this process) We also planted flowers around the house. Bob replaced many flashy gold light fixtures with more our style. My parents came up for dinner and my mom finally got to see the baby room. After they left we walked down to the park and watched the sunset over the lake.

Bucyrus Baby Shower

Bob was in South Carolina for Scott Bellamy's wedding from Tuesday until Sunday. My doctor did not feel it would be in my best interest to travel at this time. I was bummed because it would have been so much fun to see the sun. Instead I drove down to Bucyrus and we had a baby shower. It was great! It was set up like a graduation party, open house, come and leave when you want. That was so neat because people kept arriving all throughout the day. We had soups and salad and quite a variety of desserts. It was so great to see everyone who came. The best surprise was that my very dear friend from whom I have known since elementary school, drove up with his wife to surprise me. I was so shocked! I cried because I was so happy to see them and it meant so much that they drove all that way! Thanks again, Corey and Melissa!

Slumber Party with my sister!

This past week I have been off for spring break! During this week I have been trying to get as much done as I can and visit as many people as I can. I haven't seen my sister since January because our schedules have been so crazy. My mom and I drove down to Columbus on Friday and met her at her gym. She worked us out and then we had dinner together. We spent the night at her place and then went shopping on Saturday. She hadn't seen my belly since January and it has gotten just a little bigger since then. She finally got to feel the baby kick and move around. She was freaked out at first but then couldn't keep her hands off my belly. We had a great time!