
Showing posts from March, 2009

Monkeys in the Tree!

Today my BFF from Vermilion, Andi Askins, the art teacher at South Street Elementary came over to paint a mural in the nursery. Our theme is monkeys and she painted a tree with monkeys. It is amazing. She is so talented! We love it! Thanks so much Andi! You rock!

30 weeks! Only 10 more to go!

Here is the buddah belly! I am being taken over by a little man! My belly button is not quite sticking out yet but I can't wait until it does! Recently, he has been moving all over. He tries to get around by my back and I have to rub him back into the center. Bob loves talking to the belly and hoping the baby will kick him in the face. We had our doctor's appointment on Monday which will be the last one with this doctor because she is leaving the practice. I already have another doctor lined up from within their group of doctors. She said everything is going very well and we are right on track!

Our trip to North Carolina

(T and I bowling-She has a bowling ball under her shirt but not me) A week ago Bob and I took at road trip down to visit our friends who live in Charlotte, North Carolina. The Grieser's!!(Eric and T) It was so much fun! We stayed with them in their new house! It is beautiful! While visiting we went bowling, watched a movie, and did some shopping! It is always great to see T! What a great BFF! We hope to be able to visit them again. However, next time we will have another person along for the ride!

The room is painted!

Bob and his mom painted the baby's room. It is brown and green to match the crib bedding. I was not allowed to be any where near the room so I didn't inhale any fumes. Right now there are 2 walls green and 2 walls brown. My friend Andi, the art teacher at our school, is coming over to paint a tree and some monkeys on the wall!

Our Trip to Babies R Us!

Yesterday Bob and I ventured to Babies R Us to create our registry for the baby! I have felt very overwhelmed by this idea for quite some time. With a wedding registry to kind of take inventory of what each of you already have and then only register for what you "need". However with a don't stinkin have anything and you must start from scratch. I have so many checklists of what we need to register for that I have created a binder to organize all of my baby stuff. I know that is the anal dork coming out but I tell you what it helps to keep me slightly sane. Anyways we get to the store and we are so excited because it's going to be so fun. Bob has the scanner and I have the checklists to make sure we get it all. We started at the breast pumps section-big mistake. We decided that there was no way that we could register for nipple cream or breast pads-too personal. So we then went to the first aid/grooming section. I think we stood there for a good