
Showing posts from December, 2022

Quick trip to Michigan

In the midst of the crazy fall sports, we found one weekend that was open and a home Michigan football game for the boys to attend.  We lucked out and the Lokers joined us.  We tailgated on the golf course before the game and then walked in for the game.  Lots of football was being played on the course while we tailgated.  These two are so fun to watch their relationship grow and change.  For a while it was tough for Abby because she was the only girl in the midst of boys but know that she is a teenager she connects with Carter.  They are often together without saying much but that's normal for teenagers.  Our whole crew in the nosebleeds but loving every minute of it.  After the game we made time to stop over to our favorite fall farm.  It was their opening weekend.   That evening was Bill and Laura's wedding anniversary so we joined them for a delicious dinner at The Grateful Crow in Chelsea and it was amazing.  What a jam-packed fun weekend it was!

Learn something new in 2022…Beekeeping

On New Years Eve of 2021...I decided to create a motto for the new year "Learn Something New in 2022!"   My something was beekeeping.  I have always been interested in beekeeping but always felt like I didn't have the time to learn how to do it.  I connected with some other beekeepers who lead me to a group called Lorain County Beekeepers.  I took classes every Friday night in March and April where I learned the basics, bought my hive, and a package of 10,000 worker bees and one Queen, who I named Beyonce, from California.  At the beginning the bees were so peaceful and calm.  They would climb all over my body and face without needing to wear protective gear.  As the summer progressed and their honey drive became strong they grew more aggressive and protective of their honey.  I always wore my protective gear and at times would get stung through that.  Everyone in the family took time to come down with me once a week to check on the status of the hive and be sure that th

Fall Sports

Fall is always a busy time with juggling school and fall sports but this year was more than usual.  All three boys played soccer and Landon also decided to try cross country for 7th grade. Bob and I were quite shocked when he said he wanted to run but we thought it would be awesome to watch him shine.  And shine is exactly what he did.  Every meet Landon worked hard to get into the top 4 runners from Amherst and succeeded every race.   He always looked strong as he ran past all of the competitors.  Many races he would finish close to Zane Rhoades 8th grader. This was a great opportunity for him to excel at something on his own and connect with new friends.  At the all-conference race there were 11 teams with lots of boys racing.  Landon placed 14th out of 247 These were the boys and girls from Amherst 7th and 8th grade teams that earned a medal.  Congrats to the whole team One of my absolute favorite things to watch is the boys playing soccer and playing together on the same team is a