
Showing posts from August, 2020

A very hard family decision

Recently we were faced with a difficult decision for our family.  Our sweet loved Leo has been struggling for quite a few weeks with biting.  We thought that this was just a phase of puppy biting but it became quite a frequent problem.  At many times he would target the boys, especially Landon and Nolan with his biting habit.  We met with a dog trainer several times in attempt to guide us and Leo on how to curb this problem. It seemed as if it wasn't getting better but getting worse.  The boys were getting hurt and many of the kids in the neighborhood began to get a little fearful of him.   On August 6th, at three different occasions Leo bit each one of the boys.  Two of the bites broke the skin and one resulted in an emergency room visit.   The safety of our kids and others that visit is our top priority.  To ensure their safety we decided that Leo wasn't a good fit for our family.  We reached out to the APL that we adopted him from and they were wonderful.  The APL was eager

Girls weekend COVID-style

A trip I always look forward to each year is "Girls Weekend"!  This year we all talked about what the right decision to do was with this crazy Covid-19 and many of us had to make the choice that was the best for our families.  We missed our sweet Megan (T-bone) Greiser this year because having to jump on a plane and travel was not a smart choice.  It was hard not having her there...she is a hole that can not be filled! Hopefully, life will be back to normal next summer so she can join us then! We returned to our wonder Bluff's Cove house in Fennville, feels like home when we are all there together! First-night sunset on Lake Michigan. Early morning exercising together...running and walking together to sweat and chat. We spent the majority of the time at our house to stay safe but ventured out our favorite antiquing shops with our masks and hand sanitizer. This year all three (kelly, Melissa, and Mariah) brought their inflatable paddle boards. The lake was very ca

More Summer Fun

Look at how big Leo is getting to be.  He continues to be such a puppy with lots of energy and sharp puppy teeth.   The boys want him to be the biggest cuddler but he only puts up with it sometimes.  Loaded hot tub with neighbors and popsicles We got lucky at the beginning of July and were able to sneak over to our favorite u-pick strawberry farm with the Haneys before they closed up. As per tradition we pick strawberries and then head over to explore Mill Hollow.  There was enough water for the boys to swim and we also saw a water snake swimming past us. Bob continues to play adult softball in the evenings.  This is a great activity for him to do.  He was awarded the hustle award that game so he received the Mexican wrestling mask as his trophy. Bob has been wanting a truck for as long as I have known him.  His dream has come true.  He was able to purchase this truck and the boys love riding with him.   This spring I planted sunflowers only in both my backyard garden and side garden.