
Showing posts from October, 2019

Céline Dion

When one of your best friends asks you to help her check something off her bucket list you say: "Of course!" Amy has always wanted to see Celine Dion in concert and she was headed to Cleveland in October.  So we bought tickets, had t-shirts made with our favorite song lyrics, made dinner reservations and booked baby sitters to make her dream come true.  We lucked out having dinner at the Martini bar down stair of Pickwick and Frolic.  Dinner was absolutely delicious. Once we made it to the arena we took a moment to take a selfie by the NBA championship trophy. I have to admit it has been quite awhile since I heard a Celine Dion so in preparation for the big deal I was listening to her older songs. I was pleasantly surprised by how many songs I could remember to the words was like riding a bike. The moment Celine walked out onto the stage I was belting out right along with her. We had amazing seats and she put on quite a show.  Amy had a great time

Fall family fun

The change of seasons brings about one of our favorite times of year.  We love all the fun we can have outdoors in Fall.  Between baseball and soccer we have had a hard time finding a free weekend to pick apples and pumpkins.  After a soccer game we raced back home to head to Quarry Hill Orchards.  We missed the chance to pick apples by six minutes but somehow Bob sweet talked the cashier into letting us grab a few apples from the orchard in warp speed.  We had a great time picking all different types of apples. Brotherly squeezes and head locks by the pumpkins This is the best view of the day...watching all of my boys outdoors These boys love being together...sometimes its rougher than others but they always come back to one another As the boys get older we will work on creating these "moments" with them no matter what.  Family time will forever come first!

A quick visit to Michigan

We know it's been too long when our kids start asking to see the Lokers and we have to create a countdown because they have that much excitement of anticipation. We were able to head up to Michigan this past weekend for a quick visit.  On Friday evening after school we drove up to stay with Lokers.  Saturday morning we watched Owen's last soccer game while all the other kids played football in the field adjacent to the game.  After soccer we traveled on over to a pumpkin patch that we enjoy all things fall together there. Silly silly kids! The corn maze is always an activity the kids look forward to!  This maze is quite complex and requires intense directional skills to make it successfully to the exit.  We split into two groups...Bill lead Carter, Jackson, and Landon.  While Laura and I followed behind Owen, Abby, and Nolan.  Our team spent most of the time finding dead ends and peeing on the corn stalks.  We were so good at the maze that we ended up right back where we s

39 years young

Look at how happy this guy is...39 years old and the hero to these three boys.  Happy Birthday Bob!  We all love you so much!

15 years as husband and wife

15 years of marriage...5,475 days as husband and wife...that blows my mind to think that it has been that long!  To celebrate we wanted to share some time with family and close friends who love and support us each day.  Five years ago we had a party at Paper Moon Winery to celebrate 10 years and it was such a huge success we decided to do it again.  This time we amped it up a bit with a small vow renewal ceremony in the vineyard with family first before our guest arrived.  A friend of mine, Dave Johnson, is a local pastor and I asked him if he would lead the ceremony and he graciously accepted the offer.  It was a beautiful moment for us as he spoke of all we have created together in the past 15 years. Then Bob and I both shared our own thoughts of one another, and lastly it was sealed with a kiss.  Dave prays over our family and us to conclude the ceremony Ceremony selfie...Thanks so much to all who came out. We snagged one family photo before the party My sweet grand