
Showing posts from November, 2017

Soccer champs

This soccer season has been so much fun.  Carter and Landon have both really taken off with their soccer foot skills and knowledge of the game.  We have spent our summer and fall weekdays and Sundays at the soccer field. Carter's team has been playing together for two full seasons and this year they all came together. Turns out these boys won the whole league! \ Proud trophy boy! I can't wait to see what the future holds for this crew of boys!

Halloween fun

So with Bob's traveling schedule and soccer season we have been putting off all fun Halloween activities due to lack of time. Now soccer season has come to an end so it's time to catch up...let's scoop out pumpkin guts! Bob bought these pumpkin carving templates this year...genius!  I had never seen those before and they were a game changer!   After scooping and carving the boys painted them. To make sure that we could finish them in one night, Maw Maw busted out the hair dryer to hurry the process along so they could add glow in the dark Puffy Paint! Proud Peacock! Bats!!! "Velcome" The next evening, Cedar Point was having their free trick or treating.  This is one of our favorite Halloween activities to do.  It was quite cold and we were thinking that we might not go.  Thank goodness we did because it was super fun! Nolan's tail on his costume was my favorite part.  The only size of the costume was 3T-4T and let's b

Visiting Aunt D and our cousins

We haven't seen Aunt D and our cousins since school started and we were having withdraws.  Bob and his friends from high school were headed to Penn State to watch Michigan so I drove his car instead.  I am not sure how people with kids drive in a they were so close in proximity that it was a constant touch fest!  Ugh! Saturday was a beautiful day so we all ventured over to a pumpkin patch to enjoy some fall fun together. A hayride through the woods! While we were on the hayride through the woods, my wallet slid off the hay bale onto the ground.  Instead of freaking out, I just waited and walked back through the woods to get it.  Carter and Landon came on the hunt with me.   Aunt D is giving the kids a pep talk about which pumpkins to choose. This group of kids just love each other more than anything! While we were walking to the car I couldn't help but catch this moment.  I never want to forget the bond that they have when we are a

Halloweekends at Cedar Point

One last trip to Cedar Point before the season ends because the weather was beautiful.  It was Hallo-weekends so it was all decked out in creepy Halloween decorations. All the boys had grown enough to bump them up into the next level of rides.  We were able to jump on the Iron Dragon with everyone except Nolan.  Landon was so brave and excited about riding the "big" rides! Carter and I waited in line to ride the Maverick.  That ride was stinking awesome!   Always has his head in a map Nolan was so excited to watch his brothers ride big rides   We love our ride on the train to Boneville with the skeletons doing silly things! What a fun time we have together...well Nolan might not be showing it in this photo but we did!

Last days of nice weather

This fall season has been amazingly warm so we can't help but get outside as much as possible. We found a cute little stream in Rocky River where the boys could throw rocks in the water.   Lake life loving!     This year we lucked out with soccer because the weather was so great.  After one of their last games we visited Huntington Beach.       Oh, how we love a warm fall!