
Showing posts from April, 2017

5k in the books

Around the start of the year Bob and I talk about our new year resolutions and goals for everything (our house, our careers, our personal, etc) and we write it all down.  Carter heard us talking and wanted in on making his own goal.  His goal: "I want to run a race with you mom." And what do you say to that other than..."Of course I will." I would like to say that we have been diligently training for this big race but nope...just once was the weather nice enough to run together outdoors. Above is the lucky photo snagged on our one running trip out.  I know what you are thinking...How could I sign us up for a race without teaching him the importance of training? I agree with you but I did. I came across a flyer for 5k being held at BGSU Firelands for a family who lost their infant daughter. It called to me and I felt that it was the race for us.  I signed myself up and thought that since we hadn't trained that Carter could jog along as long as he could m

Baby Maylee is here

On Wednesday we anxiously awaited a text or call about the arrival of the new baby cousin.  We didn't know whether it was going to be a girl or boy.  All of us except Nolan thought it was going to be a boy.  Nolan stuck to his guns since the beginning that it was going to be a girl because aunt D was a girl.  Not sure that is how it works buddy but innocence is bliss! Late wednesday night we heard...Maylee Jane Vilt had arrived!  She was happy and healthy.  Yeah!!! We knew right then that we had to be sure to see her on our way home from North Carolina.  Saturday afternoon we got to the house and I sprinted inside to see her.  Oh my goodness, she is beautiful and tiny.  I couldn't keep my hands off of her...I always have been and always will be a baby hog...can't help it!  She was absolutely precious. Auntie Heidi loves her new niece! Oh how the boys loved her.  They would gaze at her with the biggest smile and gently rub their cheeks up against hers.  La

Spring Break Baby!!!

It's that time again...Spring Break!  Oh how we have been looking forward to a chance to get away together!  We decided a week in North Carolina was just what the doctor ordered.  We left early Saturday morning to drive on down. Nolan would not get in the car to go unless he could wear his goggles for the pool! We made it to Beckley, West Virginia.  We found a cool park that was part of a Coal Mining Museum.  We lucked out because it was still closed for the season but we were able to hike, play, and explore! The next day we made it into North Carolina.  We stopped at the welcome center to grab some maps. We were lucky to stop through Charlotte and visit our friends The Greisers. The boys played soccer, baseball, chalk, and bubbles with Elise and Natalie.  I was so busy playing and talking I forgot snag a few photos of the kids...bummer.   Just another 2 hours and we made it to our resort The Wyndham Resort in the Fairfield Mountains.  It was perfe