
Showing posts from February, 2016

Valentine's Day

All you need is love, love, love is all you need!!!  I am a sucker for any Beatles song my dad sings/sang to me!  Check out the cuteness that these boys radiate!  I can't get enough of these crazy boys and the chaos that we call life. Carter has achieved earning his 100th Accelerated Reader point.  (Carter reads books and then takes comprehension quizzes on those books to earn points based on his quiz results)  As his reward he wanted to go to roller skating.  We met Maw Maw and Paw Paw in Sandusky at Ghostly Manor where we skated for hours. This was Nolan's first time to roller skate.  His feet looked so big in those skates.  It was so silly because he would skate around the rink once and then want to take his skates off.  It was very similar to getting kids ready to play in the snow and then wanting to come back in minutes after you get them all dressed. Carter worked very hard trying to stay upright as he skated around.  Of course he wanted to go 900mph

Stories of our lives

Landon story for today: after school Landon found a penny in the parking lot. When we got home he ran inside to go to the bathroom. I came inside and I could hear him wailing from the bathroom. I ran in because I thought he was hurt or getting sick...nope he dropped his lucky penny in the toilet while he was holding his penis to pee. I rolled up my sleeve and fished that stinking penny out of the potty! Oh the things you do for your kids! Last week, I came downstairs from getting ready in the morning.  Nolan looked at me and said,"Mama you beautiful!" This was the first time I have ever heard him use this word before.  It melted me…he saved the first time to say "beautiful" on me!  Such a mama's boy! Bob and I have been working with Landon on reading his sight words.  One night we walked into the kitchen, this is what we saw…Nolan testing Landon on his words!  So sweet! Recently Carter was involved in a mishap on the playground (minor situation-fighti

Sickness be gone...

The first day back to reality after the weekend of Grandpa's funeral, Nolan became sick.  I walked into Becky's after school and he was laying on the couch.  He felt warm and when I picked him up to leave he proceeded to throw up on us both.  Down the front of my coat, his clothes, and my clothes were covered.  We went straight home…Nolan jumped in the tub with a popsicle to try and bring his temperature down.  For the rest of the evening he just laid around on the couch as Carter and Landon played right beside him.  A few hours after he went to bed, he came over to the foot of our bed and was just radiating heat.  I checked his temp and it was 104.6.  This was one of the highest temperatures I have ever seen.  I jumped in the car and we went to the ER in Amherst.  After about 2 hours, the temperature came down and the ER doctor told us it was the RSV virus that would have to run its course.  I stayed home with him on Tuesday and then Bob stayed home with him on Wednesday beca