
Showing posts from October, 2014

Homecoming at defiance

This year our college, Defiance College, was inducting one of my most amazing teammates/friends in the whole world into the HALL OF FAME!  What an honor that is and we were going to be there to share that moment with her.  We packed up the kids and headed out after work.  Our plan was to jump out at the Toledo Zoo and check on the animals and get the kids out of the car seats.  To our surprise the zoo closed 30 minutes before we arrived…bummer.  Luckily I married Magellan and he found us a park close to water where the boys could do what they love most…throw rocks into water.  I was so much fun. Next we loaded back into the car and made it to Amy and Tj's house.  That night Amy and I met T in Defiance for some celebratory beverages and conversation.   When we returned home, Tj informed us that Landon threw up all over the floor.  It never amazes me because every time we get our families together someone has to be sick.  That's how we roll when we are together!   Sa

Field trip with daddy

A house hold with two full time working parents can be quite busy.  It reminds me to take time when we can and enjoy what are kids are doing right then.  Bob got a chance to go on the preschool field trip with Landon to Burham Orchards.  As you can see the photo below, Landon was more than happy to share that experience with Bob. In car dance party! They toured the factory where they watched the apples be cleaned, inspected, and packaged for Walmart. Riding tricycle bikes through a hay maze Love this photo of the boys together picking out the best pumpkin Morgan and Landon had a great time together on their field trip.  Landon was so excited to tell me all about how him and daddy rode a hay ride and picked apples together.  Those are the memories that make putting in those long hours worth it.

WollyBear Festival

Now that we are back in Vermilion we have to attend the annual Wollybear festival.  I'm sure you are so curious…what is a wollybear?  Landon thought it was a very fuzzy bear!  They are caterpillars that determine the weather.  Coincidentally, the grand marshall of the festival is the very famous local meteorologist who is older than dirt, Dick Goddard. The festival is quite the talk around town and usually we leave town because it is crazy crowded.  Now that the kids are older we decided to take them to all the fun.  It starts with "World's Greatest Kid Race" at the track.  Carter and Landon were more than stoked about participating and winning the race.  Danielle came up with her kids and we trucked over to the track.  We surprised Maw Maw and Jill Bob at the race.  Thank goodness they were there to help corral all 5 children among the hundreds of people.  Nolan ran his little heart out.  When they said go…he took off for the finish line! Track stars at a

Fall fun!

We can't get enough of the fall season so we are off to a new pumpkin patch/apple orchard.  I had seen a new place to try out while browsing Facebook.  It was Mapleside Farms in Brunswick Ohio.  Danielle drove up from Columbus and met us there to join in all the fun. Brotherly Love??? Here we all are on the hayride through the orchard They had a huge slide down the side of the hill that every one could go down.  It was stink in fast and fun!  The above slide was the small slide that we thought would be great fun…however we flew down so fast I almost landed flat on my face on top of Nolan.  I watched a grown women face plant into the sand because of how fast it was. They had a mini fenced off corn maze for small kids.  Nolan could have ran around this circular path for hours. What a fun activity…duck races. King of the Mountain! Nolan loved playing in the straw Lincoln had a great time chasing the boys in the corn maze

Boys night at the ball field

Bob won tickets to the Indians game from work and decided to make it at "boys night"!  He struggled deciding who to take and finally decided to take them both!  Landon would have been heartbroken if Carter went without him or sad if Carter wasn't there.  We didn't tell them until after school on Friday.  Bob was all jazzed up and said, "Boys, we are going to a baseball game just us boys tonight!" Carter said, "Dad, I don't think that it is going to be as much fun as you are making it sound." Landon said "No thank you daddy." Watching the frown form on Bob's face I quickly took them aside and said, "You are going to go and you will have a good time." Once they were in the car they were fine but they were a little tired to begin the adventure. Dinner with Daddy downtown Cleveland at The Winking Lizard. Bob quickly found that they weren't nearly as interested in the game as he thought they would b