
Showing posts from December, 2013

Festive Fun Begins

After bringing home the "real" tree we had a chance to decorate it.  This is one of my favorite things to do because as a kid we all did it together.  We wear Santa hats, listen to Christmas music, and hang the ornaments all over the tree.   Nolan was getting in on all the fun too! The next day we read The Gingerbread Man.  The boys helped me to make a gingerbread man using a brownie mix and sprinkles.  As he was baking in the oven we watched him through the glass and then suddenly he "jumped" out of the oven. We followed clues on a hunt around the house to find him resting in the boys closet.  As a family we decided it was important that we eat him quickly before he could run away again! The boys' preschool was hosting their annual Christmas program.  It was a celebration of song and then a pancake dinner.  We had quite a crew there…Maw Maw, Paw Paw, Aunt D, Adelynn, Lincoln, Aunt Katie, Grandma Angie, Becky (our babysitter),

Fun At the Mall

A visit with Santa at the mall is one of our holiday traditions.  In the past two years it was so much easier to manage during the day without working full time.  So the Saturday before Christmas we made sure we could see Santa.  While at the mall, I had a list of items to pick up for the remaining people on our list so I ran quickly into the stores while Bob played with the boys at the play place.  When I came walking out of JC Penny I noticed these two boys jumping high into the sky and by the giggles, I knew it was Carter and Landon.  I am not so sure if I would have had the courage to let them get all strapped in and jump like crazy in a mall set up contraption but thank goodness Bob is willing to do this.   They were up so stink in high!   Carter was even doing side karate kicks and the instructor was showing him how to do flips.  We finally made it over to Santa's Village to snag our yearly Santa photo.  I was unsure about how Landon would react because he

Sledding fun

Last weekend we got hit with quite a snow storm. It was about 6 inches of white fluffy snow perfect for sledding. All the boys and I ventured out while Maw Maw and Paw Paw stayed back with Nolan. The boys had a stinking blast. Landon ate the snow of course, and Carter was a daredevil. The boys trucked up the hills pulling their sleds for over 90 minutes without complaining at all.  I was shocked! Maw Maw and Nolan in the snow!  The boys worked so hard to create a snowman! Carter and Maw Maw put the gloves on the snowman Carter wanted to be inside of a snowball

Meeting Clifford

A benefit of being a teacher is having VIP status at the Scholastic Warehouse. We took a quick trip to snag some great stocking stuffers. Lucky us, Clifford the big red dog was there.  Nolan had a blast riding in the cart.

The Christmas Tree Adventure

Let me just set the stage for this...Many people have suggested the whole go and cut your own Christmas tree but bottom line...I'm a cheapskate.  Yep, it sounds very grinchy but a tree is thrown away quickly after purchased and they are expensive.  We have always had an artificial tree and it was fine.  This year after getting all the decorations out of storage we realized our Christmas tree was no where to be found.  Bob thought he told me that he threw it out because the lights weren't working but I thought that would be something I would have remembered.  Anyways that meant we could either go and buy an artificial tree at prime price since it is December or just bite the bullet and get a real tree.  This girl decided this would be the year for the real tree.  I have been looking for a local tree farm. We had planned on going tomorrow during the day but the weather forecast is a snowy blizzard.  On my way home from school I called Bob and suggested that we go tonight.  The tr

Dad helps to decorate

At preschool this week the boys were learning all about the gingerbread man. So to celebrate, Thursday was gingerbread house decorating day.  Bob had the opportunity to use a vacation day to go in and help the Out. Carter and Landon were so excited to take their daddy to school. Carter works so intently on his house Landon is so focused The finished project So proud of himself The Boone boys  Bob had such a great time with the boys!  So happy that he had this chance to be with the boys.