
Showing posts from November, 2013

Great grandparents visit!

My grandparents have been wanting so much to come up to visit the new house and see the boys but our schedules have conflicted.  A few weeks ago my grandma called and they were able to drive up to visit and join us on a trip to the Cleveland Art Museum.  They are both in their 80's but are the spunkiest 80 year olds you have ever seen.  After church they drove up so we could eat lunch before and they could see the house.  They arrive with the biggest smiles and it never leaves their face.  The boys enjoyed showing them the house and all their toys in each room.  Grandpa and Grandma were trying their best to keep up.  Next we went to lunch where Grandma insists on paying the bill.  When I say insists, I mean demands because that is the first thing she said to the hostess when we arrived.  The boys were well behaved at lunch. The art museum was hosting second sunday which meant that it was free admission and they had activities set up for the kids to do.  They used paper to create

A Gathering at Great Wolf Lodge

Since the move back to Ohio, we try so hard to keep in touch with the families we met in Chelsea.  This past weekend we decided to meet at Great Wolf Lodge in Sandusky.  The Lokers and the Bingham family made the long journey down.  Our room was so stinkin cute because there were bunk beds for the boys to sleep in.      The boys haven't napped in weeks but thanks to all the fun at the waterpark the boys slept both days.  Carter even asked to take a nap. The boys favorite place to hang out was the "hot bubbles".  They could wear their "ogles" (Landon's words) and jump in and swim around.  I loved it too! Laura and Jackson Jackson loved this waterslide and spent most of the day on it! Abby had a blast too!     Abby was so excited to show me her monkey robe because it had a hood.  Nolan loved the baby area of the waterpark.  He splashed around with his hands and feet. Love those chunky rolls on his belly Carter and Landon took a few seconds to stop

Happy Halloween

Halloween is one of my favorite holidays.  This year was exciting to be trick or treating at our new home in our new neighborhood.  Carter had decided to dress up as a pirate which I was stoked about because we had that costume in our dress up clothes.  Landon then followed suit and wanted to be a pirate also.  This made Nolan's costume easy because who doesn't love three pirates.  A few days before Halloween Carter changed his mind and wanted to be an Army man instead because a friend at preschool was going to be an army man.  This mama said, "No dice." He was going to be a pirate. With no surprise, the evening was full of sword fights!   The boys enjoyed going trick or treating around the neighborhood.  They didn't last very long at all.  When they returned to the house they had more fun handing out candy then going and gathering it. These are the cutest pirates

Getting his Hair Did!

It is completely unheard of that a 6 month old would be getting his 2nd haircut of his lifetime but, Nolan's hair was out of control.  I loved the craziness of it but it was looking a little shaggy. Bob insisted on taking care of it himself so off they went to the garage. Look at all those locks!