
Showing posts from September, 2013

4 months old!

Wow, how quickly times flies by.  Nolan is four months old and well let's be real about this...he is actually five months but I am just getting around to posting his four month pictures.  He is such an easy, go-with-the-flow kinda kid!  Right now he just can't get enough of the bouncer.  He jumps up and down with the biggest smile on the planet.  He is giggling with the best of them.  Now that he is rolling over he is reaching and inching himself forward to get what he wants. He has officially grown out of the swing and bouncer seat.  He sits up in the high chair like the big man on campus to join us at the dinner table.  Carter and Landon shower him with slobbery kisses throughout the day.  He is now using his death grip to grab onto anything close...clothes, toys, nose, hair, earrings. He loves to smile and giggle!  Check out how it just ripped that sticker off his shirt. Carter always jumps at the chance to have his picture taken with Nolan.  Look closely and you can

Chalking it Up!

Carter has been very frustrated drawing recently.  He begs me to draw him a picture or he just immediately starts to meltdown when he can't draw what he wants.  I struggled to find ways to help him get over this issue because I am not an artist at all. Thank goodness for the show Team Umizoomi...a character named Geo uses shapes to create pictures.  This gave me an idea to have Carter use shapes that he knows how to draw to make pictures and that has seemed to work.  On Saturday when Angie and Katie came to visit we spent the afternoon outside drawing pictures with sidewalk chalk.  Carter drew a monster truck with a jet pack, a road, sun, tree, and a rocket ship.  He was so proud of his drawing.  This came in perfect timing because the Chalk Festival in Cleveland was this weekend.  Sunday morning we all loaded into the car to go and check it out. When we arrived, we could hear fun music coming from the gardens.  Grandma Angie quickly made her way to the dance floor and started to

Put in Bay

Last weekend while visiting in Bucyrus, my dad suggested a quick day trip to Put in Bay.  You know this gang is up for any impromptu excursion.  It was a perfect day for an island trip. We jumped aboard the ferry and headed over.  The boys love to watch the waves and sea gulls across the water. Land Ho! Boys on a boat! (Nolan showing off his belly button) Such a twinkle in his eye Nolan's first trip to Put in Bay When we arrived we rented a golf cart.  We had to use two carseats so we drove around in an 8 person golf cart...the island limo for parents. Since Carter is 4 years old he didn't have to ride in a car seat and he thought he was "hot snot". He rode up front with Paw Paw and he loved every second of that. When I was in third grade, we went to Put in Bay for our class field trip and I remember while we were there we visited Perry's Cave.  It was so stinkin cool back then I wanted to show the boys.  You go underground and

Yogi Bear Here we come!

As the summer came to an abrupt end, I begged Bob for a weekend trip for the family since we were unable to take a family vacation this summer.  He did some quick research and booked us a cabin stay at Jellystone Campground in Fremont, IN.  After school on Friday we jumped into the van and drove 2 hr 45 minutes to start the fun.  My sister and her two kids along with my mom joined us on this adventure.  On site there were 5 playground parks, a splash pad, 2 large jumping pillows, 3 pools, a beach, waterslides, an arcade, an arts and crafts building, and so much more.  It was a weekend bursting at the seams with fun! This photo captured Addie in the middle of one of the many glass shattering high pitch screams she has perfected! Two boys on a boat! This girl is fearless but full of drama! One of my favorites! Nolan just chillaxin Check out this crew...what a bunch of exhausted ladies with kids. The water is fine...come on in! Stealing some loving f


I apologize for the lack of posts but with the start of school, preschool for the boys, Bob traveling for work, etc. I am barely surviving.  Here goes nothing...School started on Aug 26th with the notion of me being a Kindergarten teacher.  I found out on that teacher work day that there wasn't enough enrolled K students to need another K teacher.  I wasn't too worried about this because I wasn't worried about not having a job I was more concerned with how could I get everything ready to go for wherever I was going to be placed for the start of school.  By the end of the first week we had just enough students for another classroom so I scrambled to go through the remaining items left by the retired teacher before, sort through my materials that had been in storage for two years, and create new things to be ready for students.  I am telling you it was a whirlwind to say the least.  As the school year began I quickly realized that teaching K is so different than 1st or 2nd g

Preschool Begins

It is the start of the school year and not only am I headed back to start teaching but the boys are going to preschool.  Each day as we drive to school to get my classroom ready we wave hello! to the preschool building.  Carter has been talking with Landon about all the things that will happen.  I am very excited for them both to go to preschool and be in separate classes.  Landon needs the chance to be his own person.  Today was the first day and boy were they excited.  I was worried that Landon would be scared and cry when he finally realized that Carter wasn't with him.  No...they always prove me wrong.  They didn't even look back at me as they ran to their classrooms with their book bags on their backs. Each one hung up their book bag on the hook and quickly began playing.  No need for Mommy!  It made me sad that they didn't need me but it is great to know they are independent.

Splashing in the Lake

Last weekend we made an impromptu stop at East Harbor State Park Beach to enjoy the last bit of summer.  The boys love to splash around in the water.  They are fearless and go under the water without floaties. I enjoyed this beach as a kid so it is so fun watch my kids play there too! Look...Nolan loves it too!

Let's Meet at the Zoo!

Keeping in touch with everyone after we have moved has been tricky but thankfully we have a half way meeting point...The Toledo Zoo.  One weekday we met our friends to see all the zoo animals! Check out the excitement the boys have when they see Clara! Albert and Greta Having so much fun at the zoo Kids in the polar bear cave Our favorite place to watch was the elephant exhibit   Memories are made at the zoo with friends!