
Showing posts from August, 2013

The Lokers Come to Visit

A few weeks back the Loker's came to visit us here at our new house in Ohio.  Laura drove down with her kids on Thursday and since Bob was working in Mi he picked up Bill on the way home on Friday. Friday morning we took everyone to The Little Gym.  This is a place where the boys are having classes ...sports, gymnastics, and anything else to wear them out.  Abby jumped right in with the boys and enjoyed hanging from the parallel bars and balancing on the beam.  Afterwards we went to the park for a picnic.  After that they were exhausted so we went back for the kids to nap.  Jackson was giving Laura such a hard time going down.  I went in and covered him up and said, "Good Night, Jackson," and he was out.  Don't you love how easy it is for someone else to do it!   Carter and Abby decided not to nap and Landon quickly woke so I took them outside to play while Laura and Jackson rested.  Abby insisted on playing house where she was the mom,...

Back to Chelsea for a Visit!

This past week Bob worked back at the Jackson, Michigan site so we used this as an excuse to head back and visit with family and friends.  I drove the boys up on Wednesday and Aunt Katie, Jeremy, Autumn and Gage met us at the hotel to splash around in the pool.  The boys were more than excited to see them and have lots of fun together.  Early Thursday we headed back to Chelsea to meet some of our friends at the playground to play.  It was so cute to see how the kids reunited with hugs and smiles. For lunch we went back to Zuzana's house where she cooked and baked a special cake for us to enjoy.  The boys could have stayed and played for hours. Greta loves spending time with Nolan. Friends forever Thursday night was "girls night" and it was well overdue.  I can't tell you how much fun it is to get together with them.  I love being able to relax and enjoy each others company. Friday morning we headed out to Silver Lake for the day!  It ...

Labor of Love

Now that we are settled in adding new things to make this house our own has become our hobby.  How fun, right!  The first must was a play structure for the boys to play on.  I had been researching on craigslist and playground equipment sites and locations for something that would be best for us.  It needed to be bigger so that the kids could play on many levels for many years to come.  I found one here on craigslist and sent Bob out to take a look.  He approved and we rented a trailer to load it up and bring it back to our house.  Thank goodness the week we picked it up was the weekend when all the family was in town to help lift. Bob and Edd went to pick up the structure.  My favorite story from this trip was that when they arrived the man who was helping them load it up noticed quite a few wasp nests in the wood so he grabbed them with his bare hands and threw them in the bushes.  If you could see the look on Bob's face when he tells this s...

3 Months Old!

Another month has passed by so quickly as we watch Nolan grow.  He is so alert and happy.  This month has been full of smiles, coos, and almost full belly giggles.  He has found his feet and loves to grab onto his toes.  Carter and Landon are getting a kick out of him reaching and grabbing things such as their fingers and hair.  He is holding his head up well and we have been introducing the Bumbo seat where he can sit up with support.  His sleeping patterns have started to change with him waking up at 2 and then 6 but still doable for us sleep deprived parents. My biggest challenge with him right now is getting him to take a bottle.  With me starting back to work in less than a month it is imperative that he takes milk from the bottle.  He rages when the bottle is given but the only trick we have found that works is to lay him down and turn his head to the side and he takes it then.  Silly kid! His hair is still crazy but now that it is gett...

Check Ups for Everyone!

It's time for yearly checkups for the boys.  I don't know why I look forward to these visits, oh yes I know why because it is a time when you visit the doctor when you aren't sick.  Since we recently moved back to Ohio we needed to find a new pediatrician. There is an office less than a mile from our house so we totally lucked out and I really like the doctor so that equals a win win for us!  The boys were excited about this visit but Carter was a little nervous he might have to get a shot because he was upset when Nolan got his shots. When we arrived the nurse did all the normal vitals: weight, height, and blood pressure.  It was so cute to see them acting so big and brave.  They had to wear little gowns so the doctor could check them out and they thought they were hot snot.  Carter was given the hearing test where he wore headphones and raised his hand when he heard a buzzing sound.  This was quite comical because he was having a conversation with ...