
Showing posts from September, 2012

Robyn comes home!

Bob's sister moved to Seattle over a year ago and we haven't seen her since then.  We chat on Facebook and send pictures on the phone but it just isn't the same.  When we heard the news that she was coming back to Michigan for a visit we were so excited!  On Sunday we planned a family get together full of food, fun, and laughter.  Here are a few photos of the family. Barb, Arlin, Bob and Katie Arlin, Julie, Barb, and Robyn Arlin and Ron The whole crew out on the front porch We all had such a great time being together!

The Boone's Visit the U.P.

The Upper Peninsula of Michigan is a place that the Boone family has yet to explore so months back we decided to schedule a weekend get away.  Friends that I have met here in Chelsea, her relatives own a hotel in the town right across the water from Mackinaw Island.  What a perfect excuse to go and visit!  So Friday after work, we ventured up north!  Bob's co-worker and now family friend, who we refer to as "Crazy Uncle Mike" braved this adventure with our family for the weekend.  We decided to drive up and stay Friday night at Bob's dad's place to cut the drive in half.  This was great because when we arrived they had a bonfire going with smore's fixin's just waiting to be cooked.  Carter insisted that we take a "Gator" ride out in the woods which was amazing because it was such a clear night we could see all the stars.  Carter said he saw a shooting star.  When I told him that I missed it, he told me to keep looking up at the sky until I saw on

Carter: The King of Firsts

It has finally hit me that Carter is growing up and he is doing it so fast.  Here are all of the "firsts" he has had in the last week. First Movie at the Movie Theater  We have been discussing taking the boys to their first movie theater movie but we have been worried they wouldn't sit well for the whole thing.  Me being the cheap skate that I am didn't want to pay for the movie if the boys would only last for twenty minutes.  I recently got an email from the local theater that they would be offering free kids movie showings on Saturday mornings.  So Saturday we went to see Madagascar 3.  Carter was so excited.  Bob insisted that even though the movie started at 10am and we had just come from breakfast that we needed a bowl of popcorn to complete the experience. The place was jam packed to the crizzack!  We ended up sitting in the fourth row from the front.  Carter held onto his ticket the whole time.  Landon sat in my lap but was ready to walk around about 30 minu

Changes for the Boone's

Recently there have been a few changes for our family that we should share!  As you know I have been working at a local daycare in Pinckney teaching the jr. preschool.  This position started out being only part time of 25 hours a week and then as time went on it started being full time with some weeks over 40 hrs a week.  Although this might sound really wasn't what I was looking for right now in our life.  A pleasant opportunity presented itself to me and it gave me the chance to stop working so much there.  I will miss quite a few of the people that I worked with but let me tell you really made me appreciate my sitter I had back in Ohio.  Shout out--Becky Dechaudens!  She loved my kids like her own and I never worried about the care of my kids ever.  There is just something great about being able to trust the person who cares for your children! With that being said...when we moved here to Chelsea last June I lucked out and found a playgroup for kids and paren