
Showing posts from June, 2012

Strawberry Pickin'

This last week has been crazy...I was working over 40 hrs, Landon was coughin his head off, Bob was not feeling well, I had minor surgery on my ear, etc.  We were in desperate need of a relaxation weekend!  If you know me then you know that never really happens but we really do try.  On Saturday we got up and went garage saling.  The first sale that we walked up to had a Thomas the Train toddler bed for sale. I just looked at Bob and knew that he was not going home without it.  I was trying to be the practical one because we really don't need another toddler bed but sleeping in a character bed when you are young is probably at the top of every kids to do list.  Carter is now sleeping in Thomas and Landon is sleeping in the fire truck bed which means that the crib is not being used.  It is so strange to see it all packed away...until the next time.   After we went to the garage sales we went out to Degroots U-pick Strawberry Field.  It is just in one of the neighboring towns.  I had

Our Trip to PA!

This weekend we drove to visit my cousin and her family who live in PA. We left on Friday and drove to almost the border of Ohio.  Our friends, The Goffs, who live in Kent came to visit us at the hotel.  Christine is 6 days away from delivering their first baby girl!  It was so great to see them with their utter excitement for what changes life awaits for them.  We got up on Saturday morning and drove into Pittsburgh to the Children's Museum.  If you are ever in that area and have kids...this is a must place to visit.  They have so much to offer children of all ages.  We began in the art studio where the boys painted, molded clay, explored plaster, and created paper.  Carter was very much into the painting while Landon loved playing in the plaster.  There are four floors in this place.  We loved it.  They have a water exploration floor with water sprayers, water tables, and boat creating.  Then they had a floor geared specifically for the boys age.  They had a bird seed filled ta