
Showing posts from May, 2012

A Day with Thomas the Train!

A while back I came across an advertisement about A Day with Thomas the Train on TV.  I thought it would be great to do with the boys.  I did some research and saw that they did it here in Michigan at Greenfield Village and also in Cleveland.  We decided to head to Cleveland to do it so we could also take advantage of seeing some friends.  We decided not to mention anything regarding the event until the day of because I know Carter would have been asking questions about it all the time. Check out their matching Thomas shirts! Do they look excited? When we pulled into the parking lot, we watched the train come by and Thomas was at the front.  Carter kept saying over and over, "Mommy, that's Thomas on the front." It was a beautiful day for this event.  They have tents set up all over each with a different activity.  They had a gift shop, temporary tattoo tent, a tent where you could watch Thomas movies, a train table tent, bouncing houses, and a tent full of model tra

Magnificent Mother's Day!

We spent the weekend with family down in my hometown.  My sister, her husband, and baby Adelyn came up also.  Nothing makes me more happy than to spend time with family!   The boys helped Paw Paw plant flowers for Maw Maw.   We enjoyed the sunshine as the boys played at the park.   We also had a BBQ with my cousins.  We laugh at how fast our families are growing!  We went from having only one small child at the gatherings to having 6 more in 2 years.  Spending time with a loving family is the best mother's day gift I could ask for!  Just as icing on the cake...Bob washed, scrubbed, vacuumed,etc out my car too!

Tigers Tradition

My dad has always, since I can remember, been a Detroit Tigers Fan!  When Bob and I first started dating I think that Bob being a Tigers fan was a huge brownie point for my dad.  They has spent many playoff games together rooting on their team. So I knew that sometime soon the boys would be at a baseball game with Bob. Carter was the first to go.  He was so excited for the game.  He kept telling Landon that he was going to a baseball game and that Landon was not going.  Landon and I headed to work and Bob and Carter were off to the game.  Aunt Katie went along and was able to grab these great pictures. Riding the Tiger Merry-Go-Round On the train to get to the stadium...that was the highlight of his day! Proud Dad Riding the ferris wheel I am not sure who had more fun...Bob or Carter and I am not sure if that matters.  It was a day Bob will remember and Carter will too!  

Tiptoeing through the Tulips

This weekend we decided to head to Holland, MI for the Tulip Festival.  Just another one of those things I want to make sure that we get a chance to enjoy while we are here.  Friends of ours here in Chelsea, The Lokers (Laura and Bill), have family there and are familiar with the festivities.  It all started early Saturday morning when I roped Laura and my mom into heading to a Mom2Mom Sale in Jackson.  This would not have been a big deal because it was on the way so the boys were going to pick us up on the way.  The problem was that I got the date wrong so there wasn't a sale at all.  (For the love...) We dropped Bob's car off at his plant and took off on our journey to the festival.  Laura and I chatted about how the weather was going to be nice and that we were so excited because the kids were going to see the beach.  While we were driving into town, it began to rain and it didn't stop.  I had packed light clothes for the boys and Bob and I packed for sunny weather.  We

My heart melts...

Mowing the grass growing up was a chore that I was not allowed to do because my parents were worried I would run over my toes with the mower.  As you can only imagine I was a little clumsy.  However when my dad mowed the yard we were to stay indoors.  Interesting rule but let me tell you it was for our safety. My dad would mow over everything!  You could hear sticks, rocks, and anything else in the yard hitting the house as he mowed by.  My mom would warn neighbors to stay indoors or wear helmets if they had to be outside.  We laugh about this now but I am quickly reminded about it when Bob begins to mow.  He is better about picking up the big sticks that lay in his path but debris still flies. The other night Bob started the lawn mower to mow the grass and I said, "Alright boys time to head inside." Carter looked at me and said, "Mommy, I mow the grass just like daddy."  He ran to his lawn mower and Landon was right at his heels to grab his mower.  They followed