
Showing posts from July, 2011

Carter's 2 year checkup

So now that we are in Michigan we had to find new pediatrician for the boys.  I found a woman whom I really seem to like and she is very sweet with the boys.  I took Carter for his two year check up.  He is right in the middle with his weight, height, and head circumference.  While I was there I had quite the list of questions to ask her. 1. Bedtime bottle weaning--He only takes a bottle at night right before bedtime and I want to get rid of it.  She told me that not only should Carter be done with the bottle but so should Landon.  That shocked me!  We tried the night before vacation to not give Carter his bedtime bottle and it was an unbelievable meltdown.  The night we got home from vacation we started "Operation Bottle Be Gone"  We changed up the whole bedtime routine and it took two days and we are smooth sailing without at bottle at all!  Now the night that I came home from the doctor I mentioned on the road to vacation to Bob the doctor said Landon should be done with

Family Vacation!

On July 1st we started our week of family vacation to Myrtle Beach area!  We drove to Danielle and Edd's on Thursday night and woke up Friday morning to have family photos taken by D's wedding photographer.  I am so pumped to see them when she is finished editing them.  Then we drove down to about Winston-Salem area on Friday night!  Carter slept for 3 hours and Landon slept only an hour and half.  He was wailing the rest of the time.  This road trip has officially made him hate the car seat.  When we arrived on Saturday and got organized we headed over to a college friend's in laws (Mr. and Mrs. Lane). They live in a beautiful home on Pawley's Island.  The boys and Danielle went flounder gigging and unfortunately didn't even get to spear a fish.  The fish weren't big enough to catch.  Every day of the vacation we spent the early morning at the beach.  Carter loved the beach.  He would run into the waves screaming and run away from them screaming and gigglin

Visitors From Ohio!

At the end of June we had visitors from Ohio stop through!  A friend Kori Frenk and her family stopped by on their journey home from Silver Lake Sand Dunes.  Carter and Landon both go to the sitters with her children Darren and Morgan.  Carter was so excited to see them both when they got here.  He was so happy to have someone who would play with him with all his toys.  We took them to the playground and then came back to the house to dig in the dirt and splash in the pool!  It was so great to see them and catch up!  I hope that we have more visitors like them!