
Showing posts from May, 2011

let the summer begin!

We busted out the pool today. Both boys are having a blast. Carter insisted on putting the balls from the ball pit into the pool. They are fish. Published with Blogger-droid v1.6.9

What's new with the boys!

Landon is now almost 10 months and has two teeth on the bottom. He wants to do everything that Carter is doing. He refuses to eat baby food anymore. I know with Carter I would not give him "people food" until one year because that is what the doctor said. However with Landon if I followed that rule this kid would starve. He is a porker. He grabs the food and shovels it in by the handful! He is standing on his own and wants to walk but knows that he can get around much faster by crawling. He is a great sleeper. He sleeps in Carter's crib all night long! Carter is a talking maniac. He loves to say "red" and "blue". You can be sure that I know where everything is that is that color. My mom has started to tell him stories that she makes up to get him to fall asleep. He loves this but requests that all the stories be about him. (a little self centered right now!-we will work on that) He also loves that all the characters in the story be anim

No Mother of the Year Award for me!

Last Thursday the scariest thing happened to me. While the boys and I were outside playing with bubbles and chalk, I told Carter to come help pick up the chalk so we could head inside for dinner. He of course says, "No!" and proceeds to run to jump in the puddles in the backyard. I could see him from where I was in the front yard picking up chalk with Landon. I put the chalk in the garage and grabbed Landon and when I walked around to the backyard Carter was no where to be found. I ran around the house and he was gone. I instantly thought I was going to find him face down in the creek by our house. I was screaming for him and he said nothing. I was running with Landon looking for him when I called a neighbor who came down to help. Then many other neighbors came to help. A lady found him at the end of the street in the backyard going down their slide. My legs were jell-o and I sobbed. I never want to go through that again! I can't imagine those parents who los