
Showing posts from August, 2010

Staying Home with the boys

Well, school has officially started and I have once again decided to stay home for awhile with the boys. I will return to teach on October 12 th . There are days that I enjoy every minute with them and then there are times that I think going back to school would be a vacation. They are only little once and not many people have this opportunity that I do so I just grin and bear it! Landon's one month checkup was on Friday and he now weighs 10lbs 10oz which is a weight gain of over 3 lbs in one month. He is 22 inches long. The doctor seemed to think that was great however I am worried that he is going to be our porker. Bob reminded me about how Carter gained a lot at first and then began to plateau a few months into it. He is an aggressive eater and the scale reflects that. He is still getting up at least 3 times to eat throughout the night. Carter has started to wake up in the middle of the night in a crying rage. We have let him cry it out but it never ends. After 30 minutes I th

Summer Fun!

We are starting to let Carter eat with silverware all by himself. Check out the mess he has made. Wow, have we been enjoying the summer! Carter loves to be outside. Right after breakfast he will walk over to the back door and demand that we head outside to play. He runs around the yard, plays with chalk, climbs on the swing set, and frolics in the mulch. This past weekend we busted out the slip and slide that we had registered for on our wedding registry 6 years ago. Carter loved playing on it and Bob helped him slide down it. We had to pry him away from this to eat lunch. He is such an outdoor kid. Landon's umbilical cord fell off last week so we have been able to give him a real bath. He is not such a big fan of them but he is getting better. Landon's sleeping patterns are very crazy. One night will be great then the next night it is terrible. This kid loves to be warm. He wears socks, wrapped in a blanket and cuddled up next to your body. This coming weekend is

Friends from college come to visit

This past weekend our friends from college came to visit. (Amy and TJ Hammer) This was the first time they were getting to see Carter and Landon. They have two little girls Halley and Aubrey and Amy is pregnant and due in December. They came in on Saturday evening and we hung out and relaxed at the house. The girls played with Carter on the swing set and in the mini pool. On Sunday we went down to the park where the kids played on the playground and at the splash pad. It was so fun to see the kids and to catch up with old friends. We hope to visit them over the Christmas holiday to see their new arrival. Today is my first day all by myself with the two boys! Last night was very rough with Landon. He was up from 12:38-3:23am. Then he fell asleep in my arms from 3:48-4:27am. At 5:30am I brought him downstairs to let Bob catch some z's before work. Landon fell asleep and woke up to eat at 7:02 and Carter woke up at 7:04am. Let the circus begin. Carter laid down for a nap

Carter and Landon had some visitors

These pics of Landon were too silly not to post. Sister Steph and her little guy Brady (he was smiling 2 minutes after this picture). Bob's sister Stephanie stopped through for a few hours on her way back to Connecticut. Her and her friend Laura had their little munchkins, Brady and Gordon, along with them. This worked out great since their kids are almost the exact same age as Carter. This was the first time Carter had met Brady and he seemed to enjoy playing in the ball pit with him (see the video below). Landon basically slept the entire time they were here. He wouldn't have slept if he would have known how much fun they were having!!!