
Showing posts from April, 2010

Carter's First Trout Release

Each year in Vermilion in the spring the local fish hatchery releases tons of steelhead trout into the Vermilion River. We always walk our students down to watch. They hook up a big tube to a truck and the fish coming shooting out the tube. Becky, our sitter, took all her kids down to watch so I got to see Carter during this time. He was watching all the kids and looking at the shooting fish. After the fish trip he totally crashed. Check out the latest pics. Also I have attached a photo of the new house. Hope you like it as much as we do!

So Much So Fast!

These past few weeks have been a blur and here's why...On April 8 th we decided to put our house on the market using a realtor. We then had a family walk through the house on Saturday April 10 th and make us an offer. We counter-offered on Sunday and they accepted on Monday. We then began our house search. Bob spent many many hours on the computer researching listings and driving around to find houses to walk through. On Saturday April 17 th we went through 7 houses with our realtor in various cities and found one house that we both just loved. On Sunday April 18 th we went through that same house again with my mom and his mom during the open house and they loved it too! On Monday we went through 4 more houses just to make sure that the one we loved was "the one." On Tuesday I was sicker than ever. Still not sure what it was but had to travel to the hospital to have bloodwork taken to make sure it wasn't my appendix. The baby is doing great and I am now


Here is the latest video! On night in the tub we were playing with his hippo and when I said the word hippo he just started laughing. We of course continued saying this to hear him giggle. You can hear us laughing in the background too!

My Spring Break!

Today concludes my spring break from school! I have to tell you I am very bummed! I have had so much fun with the little guy! The first night of spring break Carter had a hard time falling asleep. We put him in the crib and about a half hour later he started to cry. We were letting him "cry it out" and I was watching him in the video monitor and noticed that he was standing up and then...reached out of the crib and opened the door. Yep! That was indeed a first. We have since then lowered the crib again so that he can't get out but he is adventurous and will try anything once. Monday we spent the day inside because the weather was crumby. I washed down walls, cleaned windows, and washed curtains while Carter played and crawled throughout the house. Tuesday we met friends at Crocker Park for lunch and he had a blast being the center of attention. Wednesday we went downtown to have lunch with Bob. When we got back the weather was so nice that we spent the afternoo