
Showing posts from December, 2009

Carter's First Christmas!

Christmas has been a lot of fun with the little guy. He doesn't quite get it yet but he had a good time trying to open gifts and visiting with family. Christmas Eve we spent with Grandma and Grandpa Grocho and family. He had a great time being hugged and kissed by relatives. Then Christmas eve night we stayed at my mom and dad's and it was a rough night. I am not sure if he was so excited for Santa to come or what the reason but he didn't sleep well. Christmas morning we opened presents with mom, dad, Danielle, and Edd. Then we had a birthday breakfast for my dad (55 years old) and Grandma and Grandpa Grocho came over to celebrate. We then headed out to lunch with the Hornak side and eat until we were full and then some. We headed back home around 4pm. This was nice because we were able to get back into the routine and he slept all through the night. We then left on the 26 th around 3pm to head up to Michigan. We opened gifts with Angie and Katie that evening and then h

Sick Little Man

On the week of Dec. 14 Bob was on his MULA . This is mandatory unpaid leave of absence. Eaton chose to do this instead of laying off employees. This sounds scary but has worked out okay for us because then Bob gets to spend lots of time with the little dude. On Thursday night of his week Carter got a fever of 101.5. We were scared because he hasn't even had a fever. We gave him Tylenol but it seemed every time the Tylenol would wear off his fever would spike again. On Friday Bob took him to the doctor and he had a right ear infection along with an upper respiratory infection. Poor little dude. He was miserable. He had a fever all day Friday and it really spiked at 103.5. We called the nurses help line to see if we should head to the er but they said give him a lukewarm bath and Tylenol . He splashed around in the bath for awhile and his fever broke early Saturday morning. Those nights were rough because he had a hard time sleeping. The doctor gave him amoxocillin .

It's Beginning to Look a Lot like Christmas!

We have decorated the house inside and out for the season! Carter loves to watch the lights on the Christmas tree. We played Christmas music and put the Santa hat on him while we decorated and he loved this. We took some photos for Christmas and here they are.

The Very First Thanksgiving!

So our first Thanksgiving is behind us. Wow, did that come quick. We spent our holiday with family. We left for Bucyrus on Wednesday mid afternoon and stayed there until Friday afternoon. Then we headed up to Michigan and stayed there until Sunday evening. We were all exhausted by Monday morning. Carter did not do very well with sleeping at other houses. He has a cold and runny nose so he had a hard time breathing while he was sleeping. This would cause him to wake up often and Bob and I would take turns each night sitting up in bed holding him upright so he could breathe. He slept through the night one night out of all those. Poor little dude. Many people tell me that is this a sign of teething if so I feel like any ailment he has we chalk up to teething and this kid doesn't have one yet. Bob and I say a little prayer each night that he will sleep through the night so we have enough energy for work the next day. On Monday we both felt like puddles of skin. I felt sick because I w