
Showing posts from February, 2009

The crib and dresser are completed!

Yesterday my parents came up for the day to help us finish putting the dresser together and to assemble the crib. It is really crazy to see the room being transformed. It gets me so excited to think that there will be a little baby asleep in there in less than 4 months! Baby mania has begun! I can't stop looking at bedding, clothes, shoes, etc. for the new addition to our family!

It's a Boy!!!

It's A Baby Boy! On Saturday night, Valentine's Day, we went to Steak on A Stone for dinner. While having dinner Bob opened the envelope to reveal the sex of the baby! The card had a photo of the ultrasound stating "It's a Boy!" It was evident that it is a little boy! We are so excited! I have thought from the day we found out we were expecting that it was a little boy. Today we bought our first outfit for the baby. This summer we will be traveling to Traverse City for a vacation and we bought him a pair of swim trunks.

24 Weeks!

Here is it by popular demand-the new belly picture. I have gotten several emails and phone calls from friends and family who want to see how much bigger I am getting! I am feeling great! Yes, I can feel my belly is stretching and my skin is starting to itch. I have become the lotion queen! Also, this little munchkin I have decided is the new karate kid. The baby is kicking me like a maniac--I stinkin love it! This past week I had the weirdest feeling when the baby did what felt like a front flip. The dresser arrived last Tuesday and we started putting it together! How much fun we had until...Bob hurt his back. So right now we are taking our time with putting it together and the crib is to arrive tomorrow. The next post will include photos of the dresser construction. This weekend is the big day of opening the envelope! Yipee-the anticipation is killing me but I can't believe that Bob and I stuck it out and didn't rip it open. Have a Happy Valentine's Day!