
Showing posts from January, 2009

Baby Update!

The most frequently asked question is...Have you opened the envelope yet? The answer is not yet! We are troopers I tell you. I almost gave in this past weekend. Bob threw his back out early Thursday morning and has been in pain ever since. So Saturday he spent the day laying on the floor like a wood plank while I cleaned-so I thought I needed a little excitement. I said to Bob let's just open it today. Guess what he said-nope! Too funny! Valentine's Day is quickly approaching and I am getting excited. This past weekend Ben and Kathy (my mom and dad) came up to help us move the furniture out of the spare bedroom so we can get started preparing for the baby. We also ordered the crib and dresser! They arrive at the end of February! About a week after we had the ultrasound my doctor called and said she wanted to speak with me about concerns she saw. I was literally freaking out! I talked with the nurse and she said from the ultrasound there was an increase of amneotic fluid an

The Ultrasound-the most amazing thing in the world!

On Friday we had our ultrasound. The appointment's scheduled time was 3:45 however do to delays beyond our control we started at 4:55. Mind you I had to drink a lot of water beforehand and with the extension of waiting--I really had to go to the bathroom. The technician we had was great. She was our age and very sweet. She said the she would measure my anatomy and then I could go to the bathroom and then we would look at the baby. Thanks to that because I am not sure I could have focused with having to pee so bad. Once the bladder was empty we were able to see the baby. OMG -the first image we saw on the screen was 2 feet with 10 ten toes-we both gasped. It only got better. We then saw the hand and legs moving all around. She showed us the brain and the heart. We heard the heartbeat and also watched the blood flow through the chambers. Bob admitted crying a "man tear". She next made the image 4D of the baby--we thought the baby looked a tad bit like an alien. The technic

Be a follower!

Thanks to all who have stopped by to check out the blog. It is great to hear that you enjoy it but you know what would be even better...if you became a blog follower so you could comment and let me know what you think. If you don't know how to do this, on the left side of the blog you will see "follow this blog". Click on this-then follow me publicly and leave comments frequently. Now on to bigger things. I must comment on the newest joy of pregnancy. The past 2 weeks I've been awoken early morning in the tightest leg cramp of all time. I will flop around in bed like a wet fish out of water rubbing the knot in my calf. Bob wakes up from a dead sleep and is so confused as to what is happening--poor guy. When this first started happening I went out the next day and bought a bunch of bananas. I have been eating bananas like a monkey to make sure that I am getting enough potassium. Bob suggested I should drink more water so now I should just carry a bedpan with

Here's to A Great Year!

Wow! The holidays sure flew by. Here is our holiday break in a nutshell: This is the first year Bob has had a holiday break with me. On the 21st I drove down to my parents house to help with shopping and all the loose ends. Bob started driving down to Bucyrus on the 23rd however the weather was so bad that he spent the night in a hotel in Sandusky. Christmas Eve was at Grandma and Grandpa Grocho's and we had a blast. We spent the night at my parents sleeping under the Christmas tree. On Christmas morning we opened gifts and sang Happy Birthday to my dad! 54 years old! That afternoon we had Christmas lunch with my mom's side and then took off to come home. Bob's mom and sister were here at our house for Christmas dinner! Bob made us a fabulous meal. The next afternoon, Bob and I started our rode trip to New York City. We made it to somewhere in Pennsylvania where we stayed in a hotel-that was a unique experience. We got up the next morning and finished driving i