
Showing posts from December, 2020

Outdoor fun with friends

As the temperatures begin to drop, we are forced to bare the weather and stay outside to enjoy the company of friends in this crazy pandemic.  We snatched up the Haney family and went over to explore Cascade Park in Elyria.  It started to rain while we were there but there was not a big deal at all.  The Metroparks were hosting an event call the turkey scramble.  We had to follow the map and find the golden eggs with letters and then unscramble the letters.  We mixed up one letter and so we thought the mystery word was: Fitt bugs.  Once the staff from the park helped us out we figured out the word was: stuffing!  Lots of laughs were had by all! Luckily we had our first epic snowfall which resulted in a snow day for Amherst schools. Since we are virtually learning in Vermilion until January 19th, I still had to teach until 2:30pm.  We grabbed the neighbors and headed over to Golden Acres to sled for an hour!  It was a blast!  The only downside is that we all got our cars stuck in the s

Choosing the best Boone Christmas tree

One of our favorite Christmas traditions is to visit a Tree Farm and cut down the best tree for our family.  We went over to Wilcox Tree Farm in LaGrange.  It was a perfect day to choose.  We masked up and headed out to select. Maw Maw was able to meet us there to come along. Once we found it, Bob started the cut so the boys cut each take their turn to saw it down. Landon Nolan Carter Once it was cut down the boys love to count the rings on the stump to see how old the tree was...10 rings=10 years Boone Family Christmas Tree 2020 Perfectly Perfect!

Flag football First for Landon

Landon can be caught outdoors throwing around the football at all hours of the day.  Football has always been a sport that we have just pretended didn't exist so the boys wouldn't be interested in playing and getting hurt. This year a teammate asked him to join him on a flag football team at a local sport complex.  He is over the moon at this chance to play! He loves it and he is doing very well! Last weekend Landon was in charge of guarding this player on the opposite team.  Look at that height difference...he is right at flag height so he was quick to snatch that flag!

Lokers come to visit

We love getting together with our friends the Lokers but the quarantine/Co-vid has made that very difficult.  We braved it and they traveled down for the weekend.  The weather was absurdly warm and we totally took advantage of the chance of being outdoors.  A nature hike and outdoor picinic at Bacon Woods was first on our list to do. Next we tossed in the kayak at Mill Hollow and took turns paddling down the Vermilion River. We are so thankful to have these forever friends!  Until we see you all again...

Halloween 2020

This year Halloween was threatened to be canceled and many people worried about whether it was safe for the kids to trick or treat.  Thankfully our neighborhood participated in trick or treat and we gathered all the neighborhood kids to join us! After trick or treating until the last minute, we headed over to Lauer's outdoor pavilion for pizza and fun. Gabe loves spending time with Landon and Landon loves hanging out with him too! All the moms out walking and supervising the kids! Nolan chose to be Black Panter, Carter picked out this super cool light up mask, and Landon was the Grim Reaper.


Soccer season has been something we have been looking forward to for a long time.  Their spring season was canceled due to Cov-id. Soccer is Carter's favorite sport and he really takes it very seriously.  Christain Wolf joined their team this year as the goalie and he was a huge asset to the team. Landon was even able to play with Carter's team and his own home team.  My absolute favorite part is when Carter plays a ball on defense that he sails up to Landon on offense and then Landon scores.  It's so fun to watch them play together! The weather throughout the season was warmer than normal but we lucked out with rain sometimes.  The boys love getting muddy! Carter sailing the ball down the field Muddy Mess Nolan has really loved playing soccer this year too.  He has grown quite a bit and is one of the tallest boys on the team.  He enjoys playing offense and often gets too distracted when playing goalie.  He loved being able to play against his friend Nathan Foisy. Landon ev