
Showing posts from October, 2020

Fall Sport Madness

Can't stop won't stop...that is how we are feeling with the transition of summer sports to fall sports.  Nolan has started playing soccer with his team and having the time of his life.   Boys finished fall baseball this weekend in Huron as the league champs! Last weekend we had a soccer game in Streetsboro at 10am and then a game in Strongsville at 2pm so we were able to sneak in lunch, a sweet treat, and a corn maze between games.

Sunflower Lady

Yep, that is my current nickname that the librarians call me...This summer has been an amazing summer for my sweet sunflower garden.  I planted sunflowers everywhere and have been blown away by how many have bloomed.  My absolute favorite thing to do is to cut these flowers, fill them in a jar, and give them to others to help brighten their day.  Luckily, the blooms kept coming and I was able to share flowers with neighbors, librarians, strangers, and family over and over.  These sunflowers were so tall that I would have to get out the ladder to cut them off! Stop by the little free library and grab a book and a jar of sunshine for yourself or to share with someone else!

First Day of School 2020

This start of the school year was a different one for sure.  We have three boys at three different schools!  Carter starts his first year at the junior high in 6th grade. Landon starts his last year at the middle school as a 5th grader. Nolan starts his 2nd-grade year at the elementary school. Amherst schools gave parents the option to learn from home digitally or back in 5 days a week with masks.  We as a family thought it would be best for the boys to be back at school especially with the uncertainty of what Bob and I jobs will be looking like.  They were excited to get back in and see their friends. It has been a great start! Masks on but ready to get back in and learn!