
Showing posts from June, 2019

A Night to Remember

Time together is hard to find these days because of the schedule we have going on right now.  For Mother's Day, Bob surprised me with tickets to see one of our favorite musicians, Jason Mraz.  The coolest part about this concert is that he was performing alongside the Cleveland Youth Orchestra. I was over the moon to have a night with my husband and to see Jason Mraz too!  We snuck out after a day that started with two baseball games which Bob coached both and then jumped in the car to head toward Cleveland. Unfortunately, we were unable to grab dinner before so we got to our seats just in the knick of time. Our seats were on the balcony edge just overlooking the stage...I sat on the edge of my seat the whole time so I can have the best view.  I am sure that a few times Jason Mraz looked right into my eyes (dreamy!). Oh how much we enjoy his is full of catchy beats and powerful positive lyrics.  I was belting out as many of the so...

Four staples

Hours after the Hammers pull out of our driveway, we were headed to the Emergency Room.  Nolan and Landon were building a blanket fort on the top bunk.  Landon stepped on the air mattress and slipped.  He fell from the top bunk and hit his head on the corner of Carter's bed frame. That fall resulted in four metal staples into his hairline.  He was a trooper...played baseball, basketball, and soccer while healing that week. Not a tear was shed as the pediatrician took the staples out...his one request was to keep the staples as a souvenir.  Let me just tell you, he dropped these stinkin' staples so many times throughout the day that we spent so many minutes on our hands and knees searching for them in places such as: the doctor's office lobby, the parking lot, the mini van, the garage, the entryway rug, and finally the kitchen floor where we lost them all over time. First time for staples...hope it's the last but I am not going to bet much on t...

Hammer visits

Boy, did we get lucky this summer...Hammer's came to visit two weekends in a row!!  How did we get that lucky, you ask??  Thanks so much to the Antwerp Archer Softball and Baseball teams for making it to the state semifinals/finals in Akron.  We are always so excited at any chance we get to see them! Kiri was attached to Carter the whole time.  She got him to even to feed her ice cream!!  The boys favorite thing to do together is make stunt videos that they giggle and practice over and over. Bubble blowing was the main event! When the Hammer's arrived and rang the doorbell, Nolan called out "Our cousins are here!"  I just love how close these kids are...sometimes you get lucky and your friends become your family!

Last day...hooray

And just like that, it's summer!   The boys have successfully transitioned from Vermilion Schools to Amherst seamlessly.  What a year we have had.  This year has be littered with new amazing experiences for the boys.  Making new friends, meeting new teachers, learning the new academic expectations, competing athletically with new athletes, and so much more.  As we sit back and reflect on the big decision of moving the boys we are without a doubt happy with the outcome.  We have found our place...a community that has the same academic goals, families we can lean on, and athletics we can support.  Carter this year has been challenged by being placed into the advanced math course where he has finished the fourth grade curriculum and is half way through the fifth grade.  He has been a part of the "24" math game competition in Lorain county.  Him and his classmates placed 2nd at the Sphyro Olympics (a computer coding) event in the sur...