
Showing posts from February, 2017

Dreams do come true

You know that saying, "When the door to an opportunity opens, run through it before you have too much time to think it over"...okay I don't think that is exactly what it says but close enough right?  For sometime I have been wondering and thinking about what the future holds for me and my career and I reminded myself of how much I was interested in teaching at the college level.  I pursued this idea when we moved to Michigan several years ago and also when we returned to Ohio but nothing ever seemed to pan out.  I was a little bummed but was thankful that I still had my teaching job in Vermilion to keep me busy.  I prayed about it from time to time especially when my students became challenging and the demands from my administrator became more intense.  Needless to say, nothing changed.  As many of you know, patience is not my best character trait.  Unanswered prayer to me means failure so it was hard to swallow but God has a plan and I had to trust him. Last school

Landon's first loose tooth

Landon has been so eager to lose his first tooth since the tooth fairy arrived for Carter's teeth. At our most recent dentist appointment, she mentioned that one of Landon's bottom teeth were a little wiggly. That's all it took for him to start working on getting that thing out of there. Carter lost his first tooth at Hammer's house so Landon was trying so hard to do the same.  We traveled to their house over Christmas break but it didn't fall out then. Landon was diligent with trying to get this tooth out.  One day during school he came running into my classroom holding his first baby tooth.  He was so excited.  After school when I asked him how he lost it, he said, "Mom I tripped on my shoe and hit my lip on my table and it fell out!" My favorite part was seeing the excitement on his face in the morning when he found his "gold" coins from the tooth fairy.  Now unlike Carter who has saved all of his money in his piggy bank, Landon's co