
Showing posts from June, 2016

Summer Week Two-Camp Invention, Aunt Sharon and Larry Come to Town

This week Carter and Landon participated in a day camp called Camp Invention.  The purpose of this camp was to enrich innovative thinking and creativity.  We had to bring materials that they could take apart and figure out how they were made.  We grabbed several old broken remote control cars that they used screwdrivers and other tools to take apart.  They were there from 9am-3:30pm.  The first day we showed up we found out that Landon and Carter were in separate groups.  Carter was not set back by this at all but Landon was bummed.  He didn't shed any tears but was very nervous  and shy.  He stood off to the side until I coaxed him to the table to sit by another boy who had the same scared look on his face.  At the end of the first day, both Carter and Landon seemed to get over any worry they had at the start.  From the moment I picked them up until we pulled into our driveway, they were chatting about all the fun they had.  T...

Carter turns 7!

A year has passed once again right before our eyes.  Our oldest little boy is getting older.  Seven years old.   Breakfast birthday tradition…powdered doughnuts with birthday candles.  It's funny because after he blows them out both Landon and Nolan insist that we sing to them also.  Carter requested a visit to Chuckie Cheese for his birthday.  It cracks me up how much fun they have over these silly games.   You can't leave without dancing for free tickets with the mouse! He is growing up but we are enjoying the ups and downs as he matures.  He loves to read and is really beginning to find time to do things independently.  He can be a little bossy and still excels at being the negotiator at any cost.  He is a great big brother to Nolan and pushes Landons buttons on the daily. He melts my heart with his smile, his kisses, and the twist of my hair.  Seven unforgettable years…so happy this little guy made us ...

Summer begins...week one

Ready, Set, Go!  Squeeze as much fun out of summer before it is over! We started our summer with a camp out in the backyard.  The boys love to do this because they insist that it is "boys night" where they stay out with Bob all night.  Landon and I put the tent up together while Bob was with Carter at his baseball game and he was so proud to show Bob how it looked.  *on a side note: this tent we have had for over 12 years so it might not be fancy but we have made lots of memories using it! Before bed there were lots of giggles as they created shadow puppets using flash lights. Something about the outdoors and fresh air but they sleep so well.   Summer break also means summer/spring cleaning at our house.  Growing up both sets of grandmas and my mom would wash down all the walls in each room, the curtains, the windows inside and out, and all the home decor hanging on the walls.  I hated this process when I was younger and it...

Last day of school

It's hard to believe that another school year is officially in the books.  What a year it has been…all of my worries of Landon starting kindergarten and Carter facing first grade were put to rest.  Watching them make new friends, experience new situations, and learning new things from great teachers has been amazing. They are growing up into young men right before our eyes and if we blink they will be graduating.   Here's to the start of a great summer!!